sounds simple, right? but i am having my doubts as i am not the smartest guy around. i am installing two
beta marine 25 hp diesels, both with high output alternators ( 75 amp, iskra, i think). i also bought two adverc
battery management units ( although i may have only needed one, from what i am reading). i want one
alternator and adverc to charge one starting
battery, which will be used to start both engines ( big battery, small engines). i want the other
alternator and adverc to charge a 300 amp bank of house
batteries. i have a
wiring diagram that will
work with a three way battery selection switch ( 1,2,both, blue sea 6007) at each
engine. negative will go from house bank to starting battery and to both engines.
the problem is if or when i need to switch the house
batteries to start the engines in case the starting battery goes dead. on the initial starting of the engines, both alternators will be
charging the same batteries ( both start and house paralleled ) for about 30 seconds until i run below and switch the house bank back to the one alternator. is this okay?? i want to keep it simple.
also, will one 75 amp alternator with an adverc handle a 300 amp bank without
overheating or do i have to add a third selector switch at the house bank and make two 150 amp banks instead? thanks