Looking for
advice on
anchoring an early L420, we have had for 3 years now. I suspect
advice from other model owners will apply. We seem to “ Sail” all around the
anchor in lighter and medium
wind conditions , often with the
anchor behind us ( marked by a small float on a recovery line) . No, I am not
anchoring with
sails up, detailed in some other threads! This often results in chain contacting the hulls, chain grab releasing, and violent jerks when the
boat oscillates from side to side. Also chain twist from multiple rotations if we hang in the one spot too long. The
boat seems to be pushed forward with the
wind on a rear quarter. These boat have a lot of aft windage, not helped with clears around the
A Drouge helps if a
current present, but otherwise creates problems getting wrapped around rudders ect.
Rudder position experiments don’t see to
work. Tried a second small anchor that can get dragged around, but this risks gets tangled with the main
rode. Forward yoke size about 7 meters, but shortening no help either.
Is this a characteristic of all cats, or Lagoons in particular? Any suggestions or hints welcomed.