Location: Denmark (Winter), Cruising North Sea and Baltic (Summer)
Boat: Cutter-Rigged Moody 54
Posts: 35,232
Power for SeaTalk Network in the Absence of an Autopilot
I replacing nearly my entire electronics on board with a new NMEA2000 system. However, I am planning to leave the old Raymarinewind and depthinstruments as backups -- I will have extra holes in the scuttle anyway, and they work perfectly.
Re: Power for SeaTalk Network in the Absence of an Autopilot
Just power the sea talk bus on the autopilot side as if it was coming from the autopilot. Remember to fuse and switch this power supply. Check the raymarine web site if you are not sure about which wires to power.
Re: Power for SeaTalk Network in the Absence of an Autopilot
My ST60 speed and depth just run on there own 12v feed from the DC panel. They are not connected to my AP. There must be a manual on the RM site. Good luck- I am enjoying reading of your new electronic suite. BTW, IIRC you were interested in a close-hauled wind display as well as a "regular". The RM i60 series has both according to binnacle.com