Hello Jordan,
I've e-mailed them and the German manufacturer; waiting for a reply.
My comment about NZ was somewhat tongue in cheek, but after living here for 23 years, I have to say this country is fast going downhill. Rampant crime, especially in the N. Island,
health system in shambles, lots of economic hardship, huge gap between rich and poor, an entrenched multi-generational lower class on the permanent welfare role, gang
membership on the rise, a
Government that thinks having 60% of students attending
classes regularly is "really good", a concerted attempt by radical Maori activists to rewrite NZ
history with all Europeans as the "bad guys" and all Maori as victims of oppression, a leader of the Green party claiming at ALL violence in the world is perpetrated by "cis white males", destruction of the economy by woke folk who claim all
oil is BAD and we all have to get around on bikes, the "Clean Green" image is a sham, plenty of environmental damage...I could go on and on. Yes, it is still a beautiful country and like anywhere there are nice friendly folks around, but sorry, not the reality that the Govt spin doctors would have you believe.