I've just tried to start up our (new to us)
Spectra 400
water maker. The vane
pump gets hot and draws excessive amps eventually popping the CB.
I think that someone tried in the past to convert the system to manual mode but the
plumbing arrangements don't match anything in the tech manual for that and neither is it plumbed for automatic.
Question 1 - Can the product
water be taken right off the end of the membrane as shown in the pic? The small black tube coming off the end of the membrane by the gray tape goes to the
tanks. The manual indicates the check valve should be removed and the product line hooked up the to diversion valve. You can see the check valve is still in place.
Question 2 - There's also a small white tube coming from beside the check valve that goes nowhere (for some reason the pictures uploaded upside down) . What's that attachment point for on the Clark
Question 3 - What would cause such a high draw on the vane pump? I suspect bad
brushes but had anyone experienced anything else that caused this? Flow is good, the filters are good, the system produces good
water until the breaker pops.