My broker does a very fine job. Would others be interested in hearing about above average brokers and salesmen? My broker has above average knowledge. He went agound the world in a Valiant 40. As I travel I will want to deal with good brokers.
Hi irwinsailor
I'm not sure if recommendations for brokers have common interest on this site, since we're aiming for members from all over the World. Your broker in Michigan may be very good, but I think that's just of local interest.
If you have good stories though, tell us about them in some of the other sections?
Anyone agree with me or do we need a brokers section without turning commercial?
Happy cruising,
"What's important in life is not how many breaths we get to take,
but those moments that take our breath away"
Jaques Cousteau
We might be able to use general opinions about what makes a broker a good one, how to spot 'em & stuff ... y'know, where do they feed, when do they mate (prolly immediately after closing on a many-digits-left-of-decimal kind of deal), how best to bag 'em, etc.