View Full Version : Flotsam & Sailing Miscellany

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  1. Back in Destin
  2. Shameless Self Promotion
  3. Name of City and State, or Name of Country ?
  4. Need Help Comparing a Cape Dory 30 with a Cheoy Lee 33
  5. Ruthless Acceleration
  6. US Navy Using Video Game to Solve the Piracy Problem ?
  7. Help US Navy Hunt Pirates
  8. First 405, Back in the Family
  9. Cursor Following
  10. ARC Round the World
  11. Read the Owners Forums !
  12. Test Post
  13. Thwack !
  14. Cruisers Using Bean Bag Chairs
  15. Capital Gains Taxes
  16. A 'What' ? A Chandlery ?
  17. A Little Bit on Rogue Waves
  18. Product Design
  19. Real life UFO's: Well, Sort Of Anyway
  20. Purchased a Leaking Diesel Can
  21. A Woman's Logic
  22. See Ya Later!!
  23. Royal Wedding a British Tsunami
  24. Australia to the Med via Panama
  25. Unanswered Quesions
  26. Yacht Insurance - Ft. Lauderdale
  27. Marine Handheld Spotlights
  28. Cruising Caribbean on a Jet Ski: 24 Countries !
  29. Ice Bucket
  30. Support Us in Our Bid - Hope You Win Swag !
  31. London Queen`s Jubilee 2012 - participate?
  32. Trans World 41
  33. Any information about this dinghy?
  34. Who exactly decides if a thread is to be closed?
  35. Prison Inmates Rescue Boaters
  36. Medical Issues - COPD
  37. Nautical Tattoo Thread
  38. Looking For a Business Partner
  39. Dolphins getting fatally caught in mooring lines?
  40. 30'-34' Sailboat vs. House : If You Could Only Buy One
  41. Behold the Power of the Internet
  42. 55 min. sailing film,Around the Americas
  43. Ya Never Really Can Tell
  44. Herreshoff H-20 Taking Shape
  45. Learning the ropes
  46. Amusing and Unsuitable Crew
  47. Flying High
  48. Salmon Farms in the PNW
  49. Internet System Hacking by Americans
  50. Winlink
  51. Is this a Yacht?
  52. ZEEHAG
  53. Traveling by Air with Lifejackets in the Luggage ?
  54. Changing the Name of a Boat
  55. Help ID this Boat
  56. Recommended Web Hosts
  57. Snapped Mast: Ouch!
  58. And We Thought WAVES were a Problem!
  59. Mac Sux!
  60. Abacos Bahamas Sailing Video Part 4
  61. 6 Dead Dolphins On Massachusetts Beaches
  62. How far have you transported your boat?
  63. Suggested Conduct?
  64. I got my Captain's License!
  65. Deep Water Documentary
  66. Proposed Harbor Security Changes in the US.
  67. Japanese CG and the Tsunami
  68. Radio Amateurs Save Sailor
  69. Need some legal advice...
  70. Trailer Width and Regulations.
  71. Three Sailing Videos
  72. What Do You Think of My Video ?
  73. Looking for Advice on San Carlos, Mexico
  74. boating math
  75. Spring has Sprung...
  76. Prison Break - Christina Rose
  77. Waterworld: Weather, Wind & Waves
  78. The Moon 30,000 miles nearer to us Today!
  79. Legal Mailing Address for Live Aboards
  80. Sailing schools in Gibraltar
  81. In the VI's, how lucky do I have to be to get lucky?
  82. Pranks and Practical Jokes... What's Next?
  83. Help for Japan
  84. best sailing movies
  85. Classic Boating Joke Now in Video Clip
  86. Definitive Proof that Catamarans Are More Stable ?
  87. Freaky Weather . . .
  88. Wow: Dolphin Jumps Onto Deck of Pontoon Boat !
  89. The 'Vasa' Warship from 1628 Getting a Refit
  90. Calling all MAC Geeks !
  91. Best Money You Spent...
  92. Vancouver, BC Marina
  93. Requesting Tips ( or Warnings ! ) About Replacing Galley Countertops
  94. Why No Pictures in So Many Ads ?
  95. Sailing-Themed Contempory Music
  96. Crash Test - Dehler 31 yacht
  97. Rogue Wave Nearly Takes Out Sailboat in Waikiki Harbor (Video)
  98. Live web cam?
  99. Another one from Bob
  100. Sailblogs.com misssing?
  101. Good Home Repairs Forum?
  102. Story from Bob
  103. The Sailing Channel
  104. It Has Happened Again
  105. Shipped My Family Off to the Bahamas
  106. There is always someone with a bigger problem.
  107. Reason #44 Why Summer is Better Than Winter
  108. Traditional Send Off
  109. Offshore Anchoring
  110. Has Anyone Been Following the Reid Stowe / 1000 Days at Sea Stunt ?
  111. Looking for Advice on First Large Ship
  112. You are a Somali Pirate
  113. Sailing Creatures . . . Sorta
  114. Listen Before You Leave
  115. Yachting in Maine in February
  116. Seeking another Sailing Couple for Spring 2011 BVI Trip
  117. Earth Tilt Disaster Analysis . . .
  118. Cool Contraption; Awesome, Yet Hilarious
  119. Queensland Floods
  120. Dunno if this Will Work, but . . .
  121. Traditions / Superstitions / Customs
  122. Boat Things to Investigate for Something to Do
  123. Google Celebrates Jules Verne Today
  124. Viewer Count
  125. Help Keep Traditional Boatyards Alive
  126. Metaphysical Cruising
  127. Polish Dude Paddles Across the Atlantic
  128. If Only . . .
  129. Sailboat Vacation Exchange
  130. Humans, +3 / Mother Nature, Zero
  131. Google Australian Disaster Map
  132. Middle of the Atlantic - Cell Phone Still Works !
  133. Dangers Experienced Whilst Anchored
  134. Quite a Sunset . . .
  135. Short Tacking . . . in a Tunnel !?
  136. Thieves Amongst Us ?
  137. Trading in Wife for Younger Model
  138. Sailors with a Drinking Problem ?
  139. Foodist Alert
  140. 1961 Boat Show Delivery Photos
  141. Make Your Next Voyage a Real Humanitarian Mission
  142. It Is Just Possible that I Will Set Foot on a Boat in the Near Future . . .
  143. Cruising for Gimps
  144. Ridiculous Boat !
  145. Share Your Favorite Music of the Sea!
  146. A Few Pictures from our Historic Vessel 'Vega'
  147. My Dad has Gone to 'Fiddlers Green'
  148. Has Sailors Solutions Gone Bust ?
  149. Crew, from an Owner's Point of View
  150. Blue Monday
  151. Guess I'm Getting Old
  152. What Is Your Sailing CV / Resume ?
  153. Website and Domain Name Help
  154. A Potential Darwin Award Winner in the Making
  155. Interesting Tidbit
  156. Shakedown Cruise Is Over
  157. No Opener . . . Don't Fret
  158. Boat Names
  159. The Seahorse in Noank has Closed (Now Re-opened)
  160. Sailing Documentaries / Movies
  161. Happy 2011 !
  162. Gripping Video . . . Lucky People!
  163. Steel Tip Darts in Caribbean
  164. Another Sinking . . . Sorta
  165. To All My CF Friends and the CF Community
  166. Voyage Track in Google Earth ?
  167. Federal Registration Required ?
  168. 'This American Life' Holiday Podcasts
  169. Eight Words
  170. A Cool Yule to All
  171. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Ice-Covered Water
  172. Anyone Else Have the Boat Decorated for Christmas ?
  173. Thoughts on the 'New' Cruisers Forum
  174. My Most Memorable Night at Sea
  175. Kilts ?
  176. Need Engine Parts, in The Berrys
  177. Greetings and Salutations, Folks
  178. Anagrams 4 U
  179. Sailing Blog
  180. Piracy on the Somali Coast
  181. What the Wife Doesn't Know . . .
  182. Is Fuel Oil Really Fungible ?
  183. Crazy from the Cold
  184. Merry Christmas
  185. S/V Celadon-Two Men Rescued
  186. Seeking Stories / Advice for a Novel; Cruising Down to DR
  187. Ice Sailing - Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  188. Advice on Perfect Sailing-Related Gift, Please !
  189. Florida Water Cops Ticketed Me
  190. Sailing and Fishing Advice Requested
  191. Problem with a Distant Relationship !
  192. Death & Destruction Threads
  193. Shrinking Ocean
  194. Code Language - I Need a Translation, Please
  195. So We Got Buzzed by a Coast Guard Patrol Boat the Other Night
  196. This Is Our Yacht Club
  197. Mayflower Routing
  198. Bar in Aruba
  199. Among Warmest Years; Warmest Decade
  200. Perpetually Sinking Boat
  201. Passenger Drops Anchor of Cruise Ship - How ?
  202. Merry Christmas
  203. ASA Contact ?
  204. RN Sinks Pirates
  205. Happy Thanksgiving
  206. Rescued After Fifty Days Lost at Sea !
  207. Re-Reading Old Threads
  208. U.S.S. Olympia
  209. Marinas in the Norfolk / Suffolk VA Area ?
  210. Got an Interesting Fortune Cookie the Other Day
  211. Holiday
  212. Book About the Atlantic
  213. 1000 Posts on CF
  214. What to Do with Old Lifejackets ?
  215. Red Neck Engineering
  216. Boats Are Like Babies ?
  217. AA Meeting - Ft Meyers Beach, FL
  218. Pirate
  219. Joke of the Day
  220. A Design Alternative
  221. Lest We Forget
  222. Perils of Household Conveniences ?
  223. Safe to Say . . . ?
  224. How is this Supposed to Work ?
  225. Harbor Maneuvers
  226. Unusual Sights Out on the Water
  227. 2012 - They Live Happily Ever After . . .
  228. Newbie Crew - Did David Do Wrong ?
  229. Mooring Options
  230. I've Just Had My First Wet Dream
  231. Boating Software Ideas ?
  232. How to Stop Pirates . . .
  233. Captain Ron ? What's the Truth ?
  234. New Boat Design
  235. A Valid Case for the Return of Clippers
  236. Hard To Say Goodbye
  237. Halloween Boat Stories
  238. Prepping My Boat for the End of the World
  239. Wearing Shoes
  240. Theft - Another One
  241. 120 Seconds
  242. Confessions of a Boat Owner
  243. Are You a Spy or in Hiding ?
  244. WX Not So Hot
  245. Short, and Very Entertaining, Sailing Video
  246. Living in Civilization vs in the Wilderness / Deserted Island ?
  247. So Here Is the Thread with a Question I Ask Every So Often
  248. Recommendations for Web tools
  249. Boat Design School Online
  250. Barracuda Attack - Sounds Fishy . . .