- Back in Destin
- Shameless Self Promotion
- Name of City and State, or Name of Country ?
- Need Help Comparing a Cape Dory 30 with a Cheoy Lee 33
- Ruthless Acceleration
- US Navy Using Video Game to Solve the Piracy Problem ?
- Help US Navy Hunt Pirates
- First 405, Back in the Family
- Cursor Following
- ARC Round the World
- Read the Owners Forums !
- Test Post
- Thwack !
- Cruisers Using Bean Bag Chairs
- Capital Gains Taxes
- A 'What' ? A Chandlery ?
- A Little Bit on Rogue Waves
- Product Design
- Real life UFO's: Well, Sort Of Anyway
- Purchased a Leaking Diesel Can
- A Woman's Logic
- See Ya Later!!
- Royal Wedding a British Tsunami
- Australia to the Med via Panama
- Unanswered Quesions
- Yacht Insurance - Ft. Lauderdale
- Marine Handheld Spotlights
- Cruising Caribbean on a Jet Ski: 24 Countries !
- Ice Bucket
- Support Us in Our Bid - Hope You Win Swag !
- London Queen`s Jubilee 2012 - participate?
- Trans World 41
- Any information about this dinghy?
- Who exactly decides if a thread is to be closed?
- Prison Inmates Rescue Boaters
- Medical Issues - COPD
- Nautical Tattoo Thread
- Looking For a Business Partner
- Dolphins getting fatally caught in mooring lines?
- 30'-34' Sailboat vs. House : If You Could Only Buy One
- Behold the Power of the Internet
- 55 min. sailing film,Around the Americas
- Ya Never Really Can Tell
- Herreshoff H-20 Taking Shape
- Learning the ropes
- Amusing and Unsuitable Crew
- Flying High
- Salmon Farms in the PNW
- Internet System Hacking by Americans
- Winlink
- Is this a Yacht?
- Traveling by Air with Lifejackets in the Luggage ?
- Changing the Name of a Boat
- Help ID this Boat
- Recommended Web Hosts
- Snapped Mast: Ouch!
- And We Thought WAVES were a Problem!
- Mac Sux!
- Abacos Bahamas Sailing Video Part 4
- 6 Dead Dolphins On Massachusetts Beaches
- How far have you transported your boat?
- Suggested Conduct?
- I got my Captain's License!
- Deep Water Documentary
- Proposed Harbor Security Changes in the US.
- Japanese CG and the Tsunami
- Radio Amateurs Save Sailor
- Need some legal advice...
- Trailer Width and Regulations.
- Three Sailing Videos
- What Do You Think of My Video ?
- Looking for Advice on San Carlos, Mexico
- boating math
- Spring has Sprung...
- Prison Break - Christina Rose
- Waterworld: Weather, Wind & Waves
- The Moon 30,000 miles nearer to us Today!
- Legal Mailing Address for Live Aboards
- Sailing schools in Gibraltar
- In the VI's, how lucky do I have to be to get lucky?
- Pranks and Practical Jokes... What's Next?
- Help for Japan
- best sailing movies
- Classic Boating Joke Now in Video Clip
- Definitive Proof that Catamarans Are More Stable ?
- Freaky Weather . . .
- Wow: Dolphin Jumps Onto Deck of Pontoon Boat !
- The 'Vasa' Warship from 1628 Getting a Refit
- Calling all MAC Geeks !
- Best Money You Spent...
- Vancouver, BC Marina
- Requesting Tips ( or Warnings ! ) About Replacing Galley Countertops
- Why No Pictures in So Many Ads ?
- Sailing-Themed Contempory Music
- Crash Test - Dehler 31 yacht
- Rogue Wave Nearly Takes Out Sailboat in Waikiki Harbor (Video)
- Live web cam?
- Another one from Bob
- Sailblogs.com misssing?
- Good Home Repairs Forum?
- Story from Bob
- The Sailing Channel
- It Has Happened Again
- Shipped My Family Off to the Bahamas
- There is always someone with a bigger problem.
- Reason #44 Why Summer is Better Than Winter
- Traditional Send Off
- Offshore Anchoring
- Has Anyone Been Following the Reid Stowe / 1000 Days at Sea Stunt ?
- Looking for Advice on First Large Ship
- You are a Somali Pirate
- Sailing Creatures . . . Sorta
- Listen Before You Leave
- Yachting in Maine in February
- Seeking another Sailing Couple for Spring 2011 BVI Trip
- Earth Tilt Disaster Analysis . . .
- Cool Contraption; Awesome, Yet Hilarious
- Queensland Floods
- Dunno if this Will Work, but . . .
- Traditions / Superstitions / Customs
- Boat Things to Investigate for Something to Do
- Google Celebrates Jules Verne Today
- Viewer Count
- Help Keep Traditional Boatyards Alive
- Metaphysical Cruising
- Polish Dude Paddles Across the Atlantic
- If Only . . .
- Sailboat Vacation Exchange
- Humans, +3 / Mother Nature, Zero
- Google Australian Disaster Map
- Middle of the Atlantic - Cell Phone Still Works !
- Dangers Experienced Whilst Anchored
- Quite a Sunset . . .
- Short Tacking . . . in a Tunnel !?
- Thieves Amongst Us ?
- Trading in Wife for Younger Model
- Sailors with a Drinking Problem ?
- Foodist Alert
- 1961 Boat Show Delivery Photos
- Make Your Next Voyage a Real Humanitarian Mission
- It Is Just Possible that I Will Set Foot on a Boat in the Near Future . . .
- Cruising for Gimps
- Ridiculous Boat !
- Share Your Favorite Music of the Sea!
- A Few Pictures from our Historic Vessel 'Vega'
- My Dad has Gone to 'Fiddlers Green'
- Has Sailors Solutions Gone Bust ?
- Crew, from an Owner's Point of View
- Blue Monday
- Guess I'm Getting Old
- What Is Your Sailing CV / Resume ?
- Website and Domain Name Help
- A Potential Darwin Award Winner in the Making
- Interesting Tidbit
- Shakedown Cruise Is Over
- No Opener . . . Don't Fret
- Boat Names
- The Seahorse in Noank has Closed (Now Re-opened)
- Sailing Documentaries / Movies
- Happy 2011 !
- Gripping Video . . . Lucky People!
- Steel Tip Darts in Caribbean
- Another Sinking . . . Sorta
- To All My CF Friends and the CF Community
- Voyage Track in Google Earth ?
- Federal Registration Required ?
- 'This American Life' Holiday Podcasts
- Eight Words
- A Cool Yule to All
- Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Ice-Covered Water
- Anyone Else Have the Boat Decorated for Christmas ?
- Thoughts on the 'New' Cruisers Forum
- My Most Memorable Night at Sea
- Kilts ?
- Need Engine Parts, in The Berrys
- Greetings and Salutations, Folks
- Anagrams 4 U
- Sailing Blog
- Piracy on the Somali Coast
- What the Wife Doesn't Know . . .
- Is Fuel Oil Really Fungible ?
- Crazy from the Cold
- Merry Christmas
- S/V Celadon-Two Men Rescued
- Seeking Stories / Advice for a Novel; Cruising Down to DR
- Ice Sailing - Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
- Advice on Perfect Sailing-Related Gift, Please !
- Florida Water Cops Ticketed Me
- Sailing and Fishing Advice Requested
- Problem with a Distant Relationship !
- Death & Destruction Threads
- Shrinking Ocean
- Code Language - I Need a Translation, Please
- So We Got Buzzed by a Coast Guard Patrol Boat the Other Night
- This Is Our Yacht Club
- Mayflower Routing
- Bar in Aruba
- Among Warmest Years; Warmest Decade
- Perpetually Sinking Boat
- Passenger Drops Anchor of Cruise Ship - How ?
- Merry Christmas
- ASA Contact ?
- RN Sinks Pirates
- Happy Thanksgiving
- Rescued After Fifty Days Lost at Sea !
- Re-Reading Old Threads
- U.S.S. Olympia
- Marinas in the Norfolk / Suffolk VA Area ?
- Got an Interesting Fortune Cookie the Other Day
- Holiday
- Book About the Atlantic
- 1000 Posts on CF
- What to Do with Old Lifejackets ?
- Red Neck Engineering
- Boats Are Like Babies ?
- AA Meeting - Ft Meyers Beach, FL
- Pirate
- Joke of the Day
- A Design Alternative
- Lest We Forget
- Perils of Household Conveniences ?
- Safe to Say . . . ?
- How is this Supposed to Work ?
- Harbor Maneuvers
- Unusual Sights Out on the Water
- 2012 - They Live Happily Ever After . . .
- Newbie Crew - Did David Do Wrong ?
- Mooring Options
- I've Just Had My First Wet Dream
- Boating Software Ideas ?
- How to Stop Pirates . . .
- Captain Ron ? What's the Truth ?
- New Boat Design
- A Valid Case for the Return of Clippers
- Hard To Say Goodbye
- Halloween Boat Stories
- Prepping My Boat for the End of the World
- Wearing Shoes
- Theft - Another One
- 120 Seconds
- Confessions of a Boat Owner
- Are You a Spy or in Hiding ?
- WX Not So Hot
- Short, and Very Entertaining, Sailing Video
- Living in Civilization vs in the Wilderness / Deserted Island ?
- So Here Is the Thread with a Question I Ask Every So Often
- Recommendations for Web tools
- Boat Design School Online
- Barracuda Attack - Sounds Fishy . . .