- No Anchoring in Kaiula Bay
- SAMSA advice
- Dual passports
- Data Pirates of the Caribbean?
- Preferred Mortgage on USCG Documented Boat
- Why Port Side of Channel?
- Fajardo to St John USVI
- Wrong call sign on USCG documentation
- Anybody Fight CA over Hailing Port/Tax BS?
- Maritime Letter of Authorization, Mexico
- Sea Shepherd Ocean Protectors
- ALERT: Another amendment to restrict anchoring in Florida!
- Bringing dogs into Panama
- Registration/licence for punt
- Cruising to Russia
- Florida Taxes for 48 Day Stay
- Buying a boat in Mexico
- DR (Luperon) arrival requirements?
- British owner of non USCG American boat - can I expect problems?
- California SB 941?
- Paperwork Requirements
- Closest USA customs port of Entry to Sidney, BC, Canada
- Entry into Marquesas questions
- Red over white....
- Guatemala Rio Dulce Cruising permits
- Question for American expats re: USCG documentation
- Is this a tar baby?
- Non US Friend Bringing Boat to US
- USCG Documentation Renewal Fee?
- Insurance for Mexico
- Need to sympathetic US customs agent!
- NOT refitting
- Baja
- Florida Sales Tax and Exit Fees? Can You?
- Florida Boaters Unite: defeat HB 955 and SB 1126
- Washington State proposed NDZ
- Moving to Chennai India...
- Bahamas Serious About Proper Clearance
- Taking portable AIS / Handheld VHF on Flight
- Florida Consumer Protection Rules Help.
- Flag of Convenience
- Turks and Caicos Advice
- Certificate of Competency for Leisure Yachts
- Confusion in Phuket
- Countries Wihout Extradition/ Dual Citizenship
- Insurance
- Living trust vs clearing-in complications
- USCG Legal Search Question?
- Has Thailand changed the Length-of-Stay for foreign-flagged yachts?
- Holding tank in Alaska?
- Anchor light while med moored?
- Mexican SAT officials in San Diego presentation
- Canadian Boat Crusing in US
- USCG vs US State Registration for customs
- Navigation lights on Runners
- Crash landing in the USA
- Boat registration: UK or Gibraltar Part 1
- Traveling thru countries in the caribbean
- one way ticket to mexico?
- Documenting for Coastwise Service
- Anchor light as mast head light under power?
- Showing Up In French Polynesia With an Old-ish Zarpe
- Sound signals question
- Australian registered yachts using British Berths Long term
- Needing a Captain Letter
- Mexican TIP info from Mexican Cruiser
- question about a 6-pac license
- Car Insurance for Cruisers
- inshore, offshore, ocean classification and insurance
- NOAA seeking public comment on nautical chart printing and distributing
- Has The Cruisers Forum Sold Out?
- Dual Citizenship, where to register, and how that effects travel in the Med?
- California Quagga and Zebra Mussel Infestation Prevention Program fee
- UK paid crew onboard US ship entering US ?
- Clearing out of Mexico (east coast) Heading South
- Impounded boats in Mexico
- Looking for lease/purchase Catamaran (direct deposit)
- Buying a Boat Outside the USA
- Visa Problem for Crew
- Can AIS Be Used To Track All Vessels So Equipped?
- Florida Holding tank and head / Y valve compliance questions
- Do Customs and Immigration close in Ensenada during Christmas week?
- How much Third Party Liability Coverage?
- Yet Another VAT Question
- Head Y Valve Locking? What is accepted by Law Enforcement Officers?
- Increased entry period for international yachts visiting New Zealand bonus for marine
- Checking out of the US
- Retirement Planner Wanted
- Manatee pocket anchoring -Stuart Fl
- Civil Rights Attorney Needed Marathon FL
- Out of water in France
- USCG Documentation Search by Builder Name
- Entering Alaskan Waters from BC
- USCG Documented, live in VA...help please
- Boat Registration
- Consulting firm to help start charter business?
- US Citizen sailing to Puerto Rico
- Visa's
- Visiting Puerto Rico by Sailboat Non US Citizens
- stuck in cuba
- New (to me) Boat Registration and Refit Questions
- Marina wants to be on my Insurance?
- When Someone Crashes into You
- RCD Forbids Small Ocean Going Boats
- Do USCG safety regs apply to foreign flagged vessels
- I am new to sea travel and have a few questions.
- USCG Annual Documentation Delayed
- DOC papers
- New Caledonia Customs
- Satellite phone in Cuba?
- FBI Took His Boat
- Checking into Costa Rica-Atlantic Side
- BVI-Culebra-BVI Roundtrip
- colreg unmanned vessel rules
- Biscayne Bay during govt shutdown
- Boarded by the Coast Guard..Terminated Voyage
- Overnight Mooring/ Anchoring in the Caloosahatchee River
- Question about selling an imported yacht and VAT
- How many is too many
- Registering Outside the US
- US and florida anchoring laws
- Certifying a boat for a 6-Pack license.
- Inland rules Puget Sound
- cannons
- Banking in Mexico?
- Registration
- entering US with b1b2 visa by flight?
- Entering Thailand
- Lateral beacon adopted as clearing mark
- East River Closure for UN Meeting 2013
- The Keys are getting a crackdown.....
- Florida Mooring and Anchoring Pilot Program Survey
- Registration fee distribution
- I'm Working On A Book...
- North Carolina Documented boat owners read this
- Recreation or Commercial documentation and clearing in
- Courtesy Flags Needed
- Few Years in Mexico, FMM or What?
- Importing Boat into the US
- Canadian boat in us water permanently?
- International Certificate of Competency
- What Nerve
- Big Brother Is Watching
- Florida registration for federally documented boats
- Monroe wants to close Upper Keys Dock to Dingys
- Logbook (Paper)
- Greek Odyssey
- McBarge Vancouver?
- Carrying an ultralight aircraft
- Living Abroad, do you bring Cash or Credit Cards?
- Canada/Us border crossings
- Selling a South African Boat Abroad
- Registration - Which Flag?
- US Customs Issue
- French Long Stay Visa
- Sticky Issue
- Help Request - Please :)
- "Dock Lines will be Cut!"
- Ok, Ushuaia, Argentina
- Php Enforcing 40% Tax on Overstaying Yachts?
- Which to make for in Cape Horn area?
- Aussies in French Polynesia
- Another Schengen Thread
- 3rd Party Only Insurance - Monthly?
- Coast Guard Detains Uncooperative Boater After Chase On SF Bay
- SSR registered boat in Spanish waters
- NZ and Foreign Flagged Vessels
- Ohio Law Restricts Boardings
- Service Dog
- US Registration.
- Random Stops of Boaters Unconstitutional
- Docking "Rules" in Fla
- Documentation question
- I Keep Peeving Tugs.
- If your not convinced New Zealand is the nanny state Cop this stupid new law!!!
- RTW Yacht Charters - legally possible?!
- BVI clearance and imigration.
- Captain, Crew or Passenger?
- South Pacific National flags
- Thai Partner
- Paperwork & Red Tape & Ignorance!
- Indiana Boat Construction Codes
- UK (maybe EU) VAT issue?
- New Zealand Immigration Officer Making Wild Claims
- Deregistering a DMV registered boat for import in to Fiji
- A nifty way to keep your slip, when evicted
- Doing the Corinth canal
- Going for a Record
- NOAA Drones Busting Boaters
- buy a boat in the usa as a german
- Cruising Japan-Does anybody do it?
- Panama Canal Transit
- Australian Boat Registration Requirements - Anyone Know?
- Registration number location
- Do you pass up dead bodys and leave them stay?
- Canadian Boaters Card Equivalency?
- Dominican bureaucracy
- License requirements to skipper charter with paying customers in the caribbean
- Pacific Crossing and Immunisations, and Noseeums?
- Clearing out of Bahamas??
- Save your receipts!
- CA vs. USCG
- USVI State registration
- Have you ever be cited for using VHF?
- Traveling abroad without a passport
- Reporting to Social Security????
- Small Dog Life Jacket
- Buying and Towing a boat?
- Wrong fuel type in Certificate of Ownership (Gasoline as opposed to Diesel)
- Buying boat with expired registration (pink slip) in 2005
- Passports, and how much info gets back to your home government?
- Right Courtesy Flag for UK
- Visa Requirements for a Canadian entering the US on a UK boat
- Permit regulations by country
- Anyone using a "Seaman's Passport"
- Canadian and American buying a boat in US
- The Med and Taxes
- Pet Policies -World Cruising
- Anchoring Restrictions in Magothy River
- Need an attorney!
- Entering ports, sovereign waters, protected areas
- Accuire Documentation number for Vessel no longer owned?
- What are (Canadian) Ships Papers?
- Time limits when visiting Caribbean Islands
- Is random boarding of vessels unconstitutional?
- A canadian boat going to UK
- Operating a Business in International Waters
- where is the best place to register our boat
- Have a cigar? Be careful!
- Fishing Trader runs into Canadian Navy ship
- Derelict boats in Florida
- Best Practice for Boat Lettering for Name, Port, Registration?
- Documented Boats Lapsing Renewal
- 2013 Insurance Premiums
- How to secure a deal
- question about tax in the US
- Sleeping While at Sea
- Beaching a Multihull
- To galapagos without a zarpe?
- USCG to Implement Fee to Renew Documented Vessels
- Navigation Light on less than 7m(22foot)
- Nav Lights Cheat Sheet
- Al Khasab, Oman Clearance
- US National Med Clearance
- aussie cits visa req for med cruising??
- owner permission....
- LBO check in north of Ft.Pierce
- Taxes and Boat Registration
- Live plants and customs in the Caribbean
- Who has right of way?