View Full Version : Rules of the Road, Regulations & Red Tape

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  1. No Anchoring in Kaiula Bay
  2. SAMSA advice
  3. Dual passports
  4. Data Pirates of the Caribbean?
  5. Preferred Mortgage on USCG Documented Boat
  6. Why Port Side of Channel?
  7. Fajardo to St John USVI
  8. Wrong call sign on USCG documentation
  9. Anybody Fight CA over Hailing Port/Tax BS?
  10. Maritime Letter of Authorization, Mexico
  11. Sea Shepherd Ocean Protectors
  12. ALERT: Another amendment to restrict anchoring in Florida!
  13. Bringing dogs into Panama
  14. Registration/licence for punt
  15. Cruising to Russia
  16. Florida Taxes for 48 Day Stay
  17. Buying a boat in Mexico
  18. DR (Luperon) arrival requirements?
  19. British owner of non USCG American boat - can I expect problems?
  20. California SB 941?
  21. Paperwork Requirements
  22. Closest USA customs port of Entry to Sidney, BC, Canada
  23. Entry into Marquesas questions
  24. Red over white....
  25. Guatemala Rio Dulce Cruising permits
  26. Question for American expats re: USCG documentation
  27. Is this a tar baby?
  28. Non US Friend Bringing Boat to US
  29. USCG Documentation Renewal Fee?
  30. Insurance for Mexico
  31. Need to sympathetic US customs agent!
  32. NOT refitting
  33. Baja
  34. Florida Sales Tax and Exit Fees? Can You?
  35. Florida Boaters Unite: defeat HB 955 and SB 1126
  36. Washington State proposed NDZ
  37. Moving to Chennai India...
  38. Bahamas Serious About Proper Clearance
  39. Taking portable AIS / Handheld VHF on Flight
  40. Florida Consumer Protection Rules Help.
  41. Flag of Convenience
  42. Turks and Caicos Advice
  43. Certificate of Competency for Leisure Yachts
  44. Confusion in Phuket
  45. Countries Wihout Extradition/ Dual Citizenship
  46. Insurance
  47. Living trust vs clearing-in complications
  48. USCG Legal Search Question?
  49. Has Thailand changed the Length-of-Stay for foreign-flagged yachts?
  50. Holding tank in Alaska?
  51. Anchor light while med moored?
  52. Mexican SAT officials in San Diego presentation
  53. Canadian Boat Crusing in US
  54. USCG vs US State Registration for customs
  55. Navigation lights on Runners
  56. Crash landing in the USA
  57. Boat registration: UK or Gibraltar Part 1
  58. Traveling thru countries in the caribbean
  59. one way ticket to mexico?
  60. Documenting for Coastwise Service
  61. Anchor light as mast head light under power?
  62. Showing Up In French Polynesia With an Old-ish Zarpe
  63. Sound signals question
  64. Australian registered yachts using British Berths Long term
  65. Needing a Captain Letter
  66. Mexican TIP info from Mexican Cruiser
  67. question about a 6-pac license
  68. Car Insurance for Cruisers
  69. inshore, offshore, ocean classification and insurance
  70. NOAA seeking public comment on nautical chart printing and distributing
  71. Has The Cruisers Forum Sold Out?
  72. Dual Citizenship, where to register, and how that effects travel in the Med?
  73. California Quagga and Zebra Mussel Infestation Prevention Program fee
  74. UK paid crew onboard US ship entering US ?
  75. Clearing out of Mexico (east coast) Heading South
  76. Impounded boats in Mexico
  77. Looking for lease/purchase Catamaran (direct deposit)
  78. Buying a Boat Outside the USA
  79. Visa Problem for Crew
  80. Can AIS Be Used To Track All Vessels So Equipped?
  81. Florida Holding tank and head / Y valve compliance questions
  82. Do Customs and Immigration close in Ensenada during Christmas week?
  83. How much Third Party Liability Coverage?
  84. Yet Another VAT Question
  85. Head Y Valve Locking? What is accepted by Law Enforcement Officers?
  86. Increased entry period for international yachts visiting New Zealand bonus for marine
  87. Checking out of the US
  88. Retirement Planner Wanted
  89. Manatee pocket anchoring -Stuart Fl
  90. Civil Rights Attorney Needed Marathon FL
  91. Out of water in France
  92. USCG Documentation Search by Builder Name
  93. Entering Alaskan Waters from BC
  94. USCG Documented, live in VA...help please
  95. Boat Registration
  96. Consulting firm to help start charter business?
  97. US Citizen sailing to Puerto Rico
  98. Visa's
  99. Visiting Puerto Rico by Sailboat Non US Citizens
  100. stuck in cuba
  101. New (to me) Boat Registration and Refit Questions
  102. Marina wants to be on my Insurance?
  103. When Someone Crashes into You
  104. RCD Forbids Small Ocean Going Boats
  105. Do USCG safety regs apply to foreign flagged vessels
  106. I am new to sea travel and have a few questions.
  107. USCG Annual Documentation Delayed
  108. DOC papers
  109. New Caledonia Customs
  110. Satellite phone in Cuba?
  111. FBI Took His Boat
  112. Checking into Costa Rica-Atlantic Side
  113. BVI-Culebra-BVI Roundtrip
  114. colreg unmanned vessel rules
  115. Biscayne Bay during govt shutdown
  116. Boarded by the Coast Guard..Terminated Voyage
  117. Overnight Mooring/ Anchoring in the Caloosahatchee River
  118. Question about selling an imported yacht and VAT
  119. How many is too many
  120. Registering Outside the US
  121. US and florida anchoring laws
  122. Certifying a boat for a 6-Pack license.
  123. Inland rules Puget Sound
  124. cannons
  125. Banking in Mexico?
  126. Registration
  127. entering US with b1b2 visa by flight?
  128. Entering Thailand
  129. Lateral beacon adopted as clearing mark
  130. East River Closure for UN Meeting 2013
  131. The Keys are getting a crackdown.....
  132. Florida Mooring and Anchoring Pilot Program Survey
  133. Registration fee distribution
  134. I'm Working On A Book...
  135. North Carolina Documented boat owners read this
  136. Recreation or Commercial documentation and clearing in
  137. Courtesy Flags Needed
  138. Few Years in Mexico, FMM or What?
  139. Importing Boat into the US
  140. Canadian boat in us water permanently?
  141. International Certificate of Competency
  142. What Nerve
  143. Big Brother Is Watching
  144. Florida registration for federally documented boats
  145. Monroe wants to close Upper Keys Dock to Dingys
  146. Logbook (Paper)
  147. Greek Odyssey
  148. McBarge Vancouver?
  149. Carrying an ultralight aircraft
  150. Living Abroad, do you bring Cash or Credit Cards?
  151. Canada/Us border crossings
  152. Selling a South African Boat Abroad
  153. Registration - Which Flag?
  154. US Customs Issue
  155. French Long Stay Visa
  156. Sticky Issue
  157. Help Request - Please :)
  158. "Dock Lines will be Cut!"
  159. Ok, Ushuaia, Argentina
  160. Php Enforcing 40% Tax on Overstaying Yachts?
  161. Which to make for in Cape Horn area?
  162. Aussies in French Polynesia
  163. Another Schengen Thread
  164. 3rd Party Only Insurance - Monthly?
  165. Coast Guard Detains Uncooperative Boater After Chase On SF Bay
  166. SSR registered boat in Spanish waters
  167. NZ and Foreign Flagged Vessels
  168. Ohio Law Restricts Boardings
  169. Service Dog
  170. US Registration.
  171. Random Stops of Boaters Unconstitutional
  172. Docking "Rules" in Fla
  173. Documentation question
  174. I Keep Peeving Tugs.
  175. If your not convinced New Zealand is the nanny state Cop this stupid new law!!!
  176. RTW Yacht Charters - legally possible?!
  177. BVI clearance and imigration.
  178. Captain, Crew or Passenger?
  179. South Pacific National flags
  180. Thai Partner
  181. Paperwork & Red Tape & Ignorance!
  182. Indiana Boat Construction Codes
  183. UK (maybe EU) VAT issue?
  184. New Zealand Immigration Officer Making Wild Claims
  185. Deregistering a DMV registered boat for import in to Fiji
  186. A nifty way to keep your slip, when evicted
  187. Doing the Corinth canal
  188. Going for a Record
  189. NOAA Drones Busting Boaters
  190. buy a boat in the usa as a german
  191. Cruising Japan-Does anybody do it?
  192. Panama Canal Transit
  193. Australian Boat Registration Requirements - Anyone Know?
  194. Registration number location
  195. Do you pass up dead bodys and leave them stay?
  196. Canadian Boaters Card Equivalency?
  197. Dominican bureaucracy
  198. License requirements to skipper charter with paying customers in the caribbean
  199. Pacific Crossing and Immunisations, and Noseeums?
  200. Clearing out of Bahamas??
  201. Save your receipts!
  202. CA vs. USCG
  203. USVI State registration
  204. Have you ever be cited for using VHF?
  205. Traveling abroad without a passport
  206. Reporting to Social Security????
  207. Small Dog Life Jacket
  208. Buying and Towing a boat?
  209. Wrong fuel type in Certificate of Ownership (Gasoline as opposed to Diesel)
  210. Buying boat with expired registration (pink slip) in 2005
  211. Passports, and how much info gets back to your home government?
  212. Right Courtesy Flag for UK
  213. Visa Requirements for a Canadian entering the US on a UK boat
  214. Permit regulations by country
  215. Anyone using a "Seaman's Passport"
  216. Canadian and American buying a boat in US
  217. The Med and Taxes
  218. Pet Policies -World Cruising
  219. Anchoring Restrictions in Magothy River
  220. Need an attorney!
  221. Entering ports, sovereign waters, protected areas
  222. Accuire Documentation number for Vessel no longer owned?
  223. What are (Canadian) Ships Papers?
  224. Time limits when visiting Caribbean Islands
  225. Is random boarding of vessels unconstitutional?
  226. A canadian boat going to UK
  227. Operating a Business in International Waters
  228. where is the best place to register our boat
  229. Have a cigar? Be careful!
  230. Fishing Trader runs into Canadian Navy ship
  231. Derelict boats in Florida
  232. Best Practice for Boat Lettering for Name, Port, Registration?
  233. Documented Boats Lapsing Renewal
  234. 2013 Insurance Premiums
  235. How to secure a deal
  236. question about tax in the US
  237. Sleeping While at Sea
  238. Beaching a Multihull
  239. To galapagos without a zarpe?
  240. USCG to Implement Fee to Renew Documented Vessels
  241. Navigation Light on less than 7m(22foot)
  242. Nav Lights Cheat Sheet
  243. Al Khasab, Oman Clearance
  244. US National Med Clearance
  245. aussie cits visa req for med cruising??
  246. owner permission....
  247. LBO check in north of Ft.Pierce
  248. Taxes and Boat Registration
  249. Live plants and customs in the Caribbean
  250. Who has right of way?