View Full Version : The Sailor's Confessional

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  1. Could you pull your own tooth out when sailing?
  2. First Cruise of summer
  3. Cleat failure who is responsible?
  4. What's your worst guest/crew experience?
  5. I confess to violating child labor laws...
  6. Does a canoe make a sailor?
  7. I confess to be in the water...!
  8. What happens after a bad survey?
  9. How do you deal with a bad captain?
  10. Getting the kinks out
  11. Remove equipment prior to selling the boat?
  12. How Do You Let Go?
  13. HELP!!! Can you help us re-float?
  14. Warning 'rant' - Don't you just love looking for crew!!
  15. French Fuel Dock Fandango
  16. Well, Key West is a dump... moving on
  17. Visitors & too much booze!
  18. My misguided faith
  19. Trying to complete my dreams and make memories
  20. This Is Driving Me Crazy!
  21. A Big Blue Burrito in Mexico
  22. Did It Yet Again :Banghead:
  23. Dumbest thing you ever did?
  24. Sailing around Malta
  25. A fool and his money
  26. Black Holes Everywhere!
  27. Poll. Serious Injuries at Sea
  28. Lost My Baltic Virginity
  29. My Worst Anchoring Experience....
  30. What's wrong with me
  31. Cake Walk gone wrong?
  32. Silly Season
  33. I can't stop the leaks!
  34. Fear
  35. I Think I Saw MH370
  36. Abandon Living Aboard
  37. Moitessier Syndrome
  38. My worst sailing injury...so far
  39. Collisions and bumps... how are the settled?
  40. First Ocean Crossing In A Few Days
  41. Refresh Main page
  42. Paravanes Installation
  43. Day of Horrors- Traveling Overseas
  44. I give up!
  45. Photo story of my Atlantic crossing
  46. Polishing the stainless steel and chrome
  47. Anyone Else Tired of Winter?
  48. Oddball Loner Behavior
  49. Mayday
  50. Shy Cruising or don't invite me to the Potluck :)
  51. My new blogs
  52. Getting Our Feet Wet.
  53. Tremendously tempted to blow kitty on The (?) boat. Help.
  54. Trying my luck at a better knot
  55. Trial By Fire
  56. Crossing the Strait of Gibraltar
  57. Sailing or Cheating/Motorsailing?
  58. Where the wind comes sweeping down the plain…
  59. Sailing Instead of Working On the Boat
  60. What do you enjoy most about cruising?
  61. The school of hard knocks - anti siphon edition
  62. It was messy but we finally did it! Almost anyway.
  63. Still A Newbie?
  64. A counterpoint.
  65. "the first twenty-four hours..."
  66. Does a first sail ever go as planned?
  67. The Adventure Excitement vs Fear
  68. Docking In The Current At Newburyport
  69. Am I The Only Guy Mad When I See A Mooring?
  70. analog meters vs compass
  71. I Never Sleep Well Before A Storm
  72. It Started as a Great Day
  73. slipper power
  74. Not Exactly what I had in Mind
  75. Nothing is ever easy
  76. Wisdom of the Seas
  77. Caught Some Lobster
  78. I'm an Idiot and Lair
  79. OK, come clean! :-)
  80. Let the celebration begin and anchor techique
  81. Bilge alarms
  82. Why Did I Ever....
  83. Leaving Your Boat at Anchor on a Windy Day
  84. Things I have learned while and about fiberglassing
  85. Sweating the Small Stuff
  86. Wana be a sailor!!
  87. What Is Your Most Memorable Mishap On A Boat?
  88. things you've tossed off the boat that others think are necessary
  89. Any New Developments In The Bounty Saga?
  90. Electrical issues
  91. I bought a stolen dinghy
  92. Master and Commander Gets Lost in Harbor
  93. We bought the boat - NOW WHAT
  94. Brain failure
  95. Finding a Phantom Load
  96. Stupid Newbie F**k Up #1: Jib/Halyard
  97. SSB RAdio in a Marina Environment
  98. How Did Your Plan Compare To Eventual Reality?
  99. Shakedown of the trimaran Zephyr
  100. Why Would Someone Collect Hull Numbers?
  101. Four Walls
  102. How Many Of You Want To Be Buried At Sea?
  103. I Can't Sleep -- Reaching Rebel Heart Status
  104. One Mans Ceiling
  105. Don't quit yet, but here some advice...
  106. Lessons learned in Self-suffiency. Sandy and Katrina
  107. Wife Floated Away
  108. Attempted Trip to Bermuda
  109. Middle of the Atlantic- Emergency Breakaway
  110. check out this bolt
  111. I have heard of people going back and forth from USA to MX and back and no a Passport
  112. Cruiser's Forum - thank you!
  113. Does anyone know the model of trimaran
  114. The Fear of Fiberglassing
  115. My First Sailing Experience
  116. sailboats can injure and kill
  117. Beached Az!
  118. i'm spending so much money it hurts
  119. Full Moon,the Crazies Are Coming Out
  120. I've heard a saying....
  121. It Was The Beer's Fault
  122. Some Jerkface Snapped My Oar In Two
  123. Running Aground In The Harbour On Ebb Tide
  124. RANT: The " Danger " of Sailing
  125. things I do & think that are wrong
  126. I'm Honestly Not Sure Which Forum To Put This In, So Here Goes ...
  127. Overboard -- Again :(
  128. Caught swimming in a strong current
  129. Gobal Warming Complaints - or Is it Hot Outside
  130. Rescuing the Rescuer.
  131. Is Being A Dock Queen So Bad?
  132. Lost my Grounding Virginity :(
  133. launching a boat rule #1: DON'T FORGET THE PLUGS!!!
  134. Couldn't Get the Anchor to Set Today
  135. Lesson Learned: When a Squall Comes Into an Anchorage
  136. Happy Sailtice!
  137. Confession: Haven't told boss I'm quitting to go sailing
  138. Have you Fired an Converted Flare Gun?
  139. Those long foul weather passages
  140. Lightning Strikes
  141. A cautionary tale: Or trip report of Bellingham to Astoria.
  142. Opposite. What is the Best Advice You've Received?
  143. First Knock Down!
  144. A Tale of Two "Captains"
  145. Video Compilation of Crane and Lift Accidents
  146. Lots to learn from...
  147. Pumping mast!
  148. What do you miss most when sailing?
  149. sailing with the wheel lock on
  150. Salvage Rights
  151. "Ain't No Such Thing as One Anchor in the Key West Channel"
  152. The Advantages of Being a 100 Ton Captain
  153. AGM Battery
  154. Do Sailors have Animism ?
  155. Anchoring in the Bahamas - My Story …
  156. I'm Not Afraid to Say I'm Afraid
  157. Thank Gd for GPS
  158. This one is for dad
  159. Sleepless Night Watches - The Magic Cure
  160. By Jove, That's it !
  161. My Worst Mistake to Date !
  162. What's Your Worst Sailing Experience ?
  163. What Is the Funniest Time You Have Run Aground ?
  164. How Do I Judge My Own Experience Level ?
  165. Marine Truth
  166. Secret Pleasures Aboard Your Boat
  167. What's the Worst Piece of Advice You've Ever Received ?
  168. Sea Myths and Sayings
  169. Blower Stuff-Up . . . Solutions ?
  170. Why Do Inexperienced People, with No Knowledge, Offer Advice ?
  171. Your Battery Replacement Thoughts . . . ?
  172. How to Check that a Knot Is Tight
  173. One of 'those' Days
  174. Sloshing Fuel Equals Near-Disaster
  175. Regrets - I've had a few
  176. The Big One that Got Away
  177. ICW Blue Heron Bridge Clearence Problem
  178. We Thought We Were Sinking . . .
  179. Blowing Off the Dinghy Light Isn't a Good Idea . . .
  180. Hurricane Prep and Jib Halyard
  181. Earthquake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Wow
  182. Carrying a Knife Is a Good Thing . . .
  183. The Missing Reverse Gear
  184. Swimming with a 15hp Outboard
  185. Boat Stamp
  186. Cowes Week Yacht Hits Bulk Tanker
  187. This Is What Happens When You Don't Pay Your Fees . . .
  188. Client Fail
  189. Drawbridge Experience
  190. A Bad Weekend at the Office !
  191. This Is Tough to Admit, but About Two Years Ago . . .
  192. From Pirate to Citizen
  193. What's Your Demon ?
  194. Respect ALL Cold Fronts
  195. Bad Habits when at Home and Not on the Boat
  196. Footwear
  197. A Bent Rudder and Lessons Learned
  198. A Good Day Out 'There' . . .
  199. Offshore Banking
  200. Why I Hate Delaware Bay
  201. On The Rocks
  202. Land Pirate
  203. Lessons Learned After Running Aground . . .
  204. moorings owners program
  205. Zero to Full in No Time At All!
  206. I Didn't Run Aground - Honest !
  207. New Toys' Continuing Adventures ....
  208. Change of Underwear
  209. Bad Day or Dream Sunk ?
  210. What day is it?
  211. My First Two Sails . . . And it Was All Different
  212. 2000 Posts & I'm Still Stupid
  213. Tore My Main AGAIN
  214. New Toy ....
  215. Sailing With Cancer
  216. A Day Sailing
  217. Didn't Last Long . . .
  218. Transpacific Voyage Bas Begun
  219. Shock: Jerry Can Fuel Leak !
  220. First Boat, First Problems - Drain Hole My Wife Didn't Like from the Start :)
  221. Pictures of Crashed Catana in St. Martin
  222. Name One Thing You Love and One Thing You Hate About Cruising
  223. Need Reassurance
  224. Sail Boat Oops
  225. WOW!!!! This Challenge Has Been Met ....
  226. Stir craay & wire thiefs
  227. Cold Beer and Impaired Judgement in Biscayne Bay...
  228. Sailboat under tow had mast broken off on the Blue Heron Bridge-today
  229. My Boat Scares Me
  230. Confess Now: How Many Here Are Above the Double Nickels ?
  231. Shoving Off
  232. Heedless Venture to Antarctica
  233. Pride comes before a fall
  234. Okay, it Was All My Fault . . .
  235. My First Hurricane ( Power Boat Story )
  236. Sailing Backwards Upwind ?! Oops . . .
  237. Crew Positions: Wanted and Available Postings on CF - Poll
  238. everything breaks when your cruising?
  239. Almost Lost it Rowing Out
  240. Honest, it Wasn't Me
  241. Talk About a Long Swim
  242. Boat Ran Aground
  243. Carbon Monoxide
  244. Exit Woes
  245. We Won't Need that ( Anchor ) !
  246. Two Boats Stranded on the Same Day
  247. Nearly Sunk 'er
  248. The Saga of St Vaast (France)
  249. The Saga of the Bread Loaf
  250. Me and My Dinghy Outboard