View Full Version : Forum Tech Support & Site Help

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  1. OpenCPN connect to GPS
  2. Unable to Post from a Mac
  3. Additions to classified
  4. Extremely well known boat I want to list
  5. Redirect ad pop ups
  6. Blog
  7. cannot see 1st message
  8. Status of Margaret Roth
  10. App and email not recognised
  11. Changing my user name
  12. Two Recommendations Re: Likes and New Posts
  13. Why was my thread deleted?
  14. Refining new posts screen
  15. New topic /post
  16. duplicate post mesages???
  17. Vendor spotlight
  18. Page not responding
  19. Change password
  20. Popup Add Worm IPhone
  21. Photos upside down in post
  22. page login problem.
  23. Daily cruiser new topics
  24. Todays Posts
  25. Todays's Posts Button Issue
  26. Today's Post's Malfunction?
  27. can't post classified ad
  28. Linked images not displaying
  29. Update Bio issue
  30. New post
  31. Why App doesn't function
  33. Help with this site
  34. Cruisers' Wiki
  35. email deliveries going to wrong address
  36. Test
  37. Calico
  38. Site improvement
  39. Localized regional forums
  40. What is this?
  41. What is this?
  42. Thanks button doesn't work
  43. Constant log in problems
  44. Change user name
  45. Ads that grab the screen and I can't navigate back
  46. How do I get a response?
  47. The Cruisers Daily popup
  48. De-membering?
  49. Daily posts
  50. Where can we post interface ideas for CF
  51. Trying to get "The Daily Cruiser"
  52. Emails
  53. Trouble logging in and posting
  54. Courtesy on replies?
  55. "Upload Pictures" link in albums is gone?
  56. Like button
  57. Message length
  58. System Changing Links in Signature
  59. Problem signing in.
  60. AIS antenna
  62. Forum Feature Recommendation?
  63. Broken popup blocks site on mobile devices
  64. App log in problems
  65. Delete old thread
  66. Test
  67. Korean Spam Invasion
  68. Inbox / message storage limits for standard users
  69. Leave things alone!
  70. Search window goes away.
  71. Opening links in mobile app
  72. Biography editing
  73. PDF repository
  74. Re: Update Opencpn Frankz announcement sticky?
  75. Stickies in Boats for Sale
  76. Disabling advertising?
  77. Photobucket images - not for forum use
  78. Active Captain
  79. Wood Veneer chips and scratches
  80. Update Opencpn Frankz announcement sticky?
  81. Money
  82. Mechanic in Fort Lauderdale?
  83. Glitch in CF Threads?
  84. Top furler retrieval, Genoa top broke. Help!
  85. offset or flush mounted jib sheet winches?
  86. Not for mealtime discussions
  87. Has anyone used Canadian BSB4 charts on ocpn under Wine on Linux?
  88. CF app
  89. Bilge pump cycles on/off too rapidly
  90. Gelcoat and foam insulation
  91. Skin Fitting Leak !
  92. Software Update.
  93. change signature error
  94. Pictures too large???
  95. Forum advertiser?
  96. Flip my Pic
  97. Getting rid of ads
  98. Ignore Forum
  99. The Cruisers Daily Blocks this site
  100. Are PMs still supported on the New IPhone App?
  101. Message from cruisers
  102. Editing direction
  103. Hide Thread option in the list view
  104. Blown windless gear
  105. Can I change my user name?
  106. How can I read PMs on iPhone?
  107. How to search
  108. Why can't I post?
  109. How do you get to private messages in the CF app?
  110. Updating profile
  111. Classified
  112. CruisersForum App - Feeds
  113. Problem following links from posts
  114. Help with a misplaced thread
  115. How to get to a member's Post on a specific topic
  116. Help with following links
  117. How to re-invert falsely inverted photos??
  118. Dodge frame
  119. Login
  120. New Forum Catagory--"Newbie--New to Sailing/Have Questions"
  121. Unable to log in
  122. Southerly 100 swing keel conversion
  123. Ads in I app.
  124. Sharing photos
  125. Opencpn.org down?
  126. Thumbnail photo not appearing by posts
  127. Access Notifications - iOS App
  128. Waste of bandwidth
  129. New Posts Since Last Visit
  130. Getting here from google
  131. How to post a Youtube Video (with Viewer) using Youtube APP
  132. Do U know where to buy fiberglass rods in Langkawi, Malaysia ?
  133. Genoa Sail Replacement
  134. screen size
  135. urgently required - VHF handset
  136. Make Social Groups More Useful
  137. Volunteer software helper
  138. Links don't work for me
  139. review posts & threads, etc.
  140. Thinking about being a paid cf member, but what are the items i can buy for cost
  141. need help
  142. Message history?
  143. Regulator part number
  144. I wanted to share a resource, but don't know where to put it.
  145. Change username
  146. Keep Getting Logged Out
  147. remove site ads?
  148. Posting Pics???
  149. Thread prefix
  150. reputation colours
  151. Editing Post or removing phone number
  152. Profile
  153. Pass word problem
  154. Saving post as draft
  155. Skim links
  156. Description under Username
  157. Profile pic problems
  158. Problems logging in to CF
  159. Android CF app login missing?
  160. Cancelling reoccurring subscription
  161. Subscription
  162. Searching for topic
  163. Announcing a new website - advice needed
  164. how to switch to mobile version?
  165. Member Map a secret?
  166. Cancel a classified
  167. popeyepcb1 volvo ms gear
  168. change user name
  169. TransAtlantic Transport
  170. Engine room air
  171. Water maker in (not so ) troubled water
  172. BalmarMc614 regulator
  173. Recent visitors
  174. Is there a way to search subscribed threads only?
  175. skimstupidlinks - grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  176. Posts to thread by email ?
  177. The Daily Cruiser - Getting There
  178. Mod delete request
  179. Is the most users ever online accurate?
  180. New post
  181. Definition of "street sign"
  182. Posting to group
  183. help with posting a new message
  184. Retracing my last message
  185. Recent threads paging - feature request
  186. How do you search?
  187. Thread transcript
  188. Undoing Notifications
  189. Following Specific Posters
  190. changing password
  191. Can We Get a New Forum Category?
  192. Oh no! Cloudflare ruins another favorite website of mine
  193. Site gone nuts
  194. Ad Choices
  195. pop up ruining this site for me
  196. can't find email response to add
  197. Tech support please contact me re: an issue with my username.
  198. CF App for iPhone
  199. Supporting Member
  200. Editing member gallery pics?
  201. Change Username?
  202. Profile Page?
  203. Forum Downtime Tuesday Night Oct 6th
  204. Cruiserwiki account registration not possible
  205. This website crashes my iPad?
  206. Pics that defy physics...
  207. Opencpn BT output port
  208. LED panel indicator needed
  209. cleaning sails
  210. How do I edit and delete posts?
  211. Replies disappear
  212. To Adblock, or not to Adblock...
  213. Terminology
  214. Interested in becoming a vendor
  215. Mailbox full
  216. MSIE 11 Scroll bars don't work for CF?
  217. Pop Up cycling continuously
  218. Google Custom Search
  219. Need to buy an upgrade
  220. Can I ask for advice on how much my boat is worth on here?
  221. spell check missing??
  222. Is this advertising coming from CF or do I have a virus/adware?
  223. Email address
  224. Red Tape: CF and Paypal
  225. How to prevent the Cruisers Daily popup?
  226. How to be featured in "Cruisers Daily"?
  227. So who "improved" the reply editing tool?
  228. Annoying video ad audio
  229. Not working like it did .
  230. Messages
  231. Has someone updated software?
  232. Annual Cruisers Forum Fee
  233. Site Not All that User Friendly...
  234. Boat search
  236. A suggestion - please add a "back to top" arrow
  237. Cruser forum V 2.0
  238. Media player keeps playing "blank" media file
  239. NO list of hot threads?
  240. log in question & pop up message
  241. How do you create a poll?
  242. Cant send PM
  243. Speed down ICW in FL
  244. Down loading charts for garmin
  245. Prop size and pitch
  246. Garmin 820 vs Raymarine c95
  247. Karl's Marine Annapolis, MD
  248. Looking
  249. Volvo stern gland noise problem
  250. Bad links on unread posts