Cruisers Forum

TrentePieds is just really helpfulTrentePieds is just really helpfulTrentePieds is just really helpfulTrentePieds is just really helpfulTrentePieds is just really helpful

TrentePieds TrentePieds is offline


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Showing Profile Comments 1 to 10 of 16
  1. Lis
    Hola PV Peeps!
    I just arrived last night from Vancouver and I am eager to start Crewing. I decided not to wait, so I am going to learn with you lovely folks. I am new, very green but I am enthusiastic, hard working, very strong for a small women, fit, and I speak fluent Spanish and English. Any opportunities to start crewing please contact me asap. Gracias! so good to be back in Mexico!
  2. JanetB
    Thanks for the welcome. I am new to this world. Just purchased an 1976 MacGregor/Venture 25. Going to paint and update it. Will have fun working on it. Have been learning how to sail on a Sirius 21 ft. at Hamilton Bay Sailing Club.
  3. ODIAL
    Hello Trentepieds,

    puis je écrire en français ?
    Gros problème avec radar JRC 1000 : message d'erreur : "bearing pulse error (BZ). Avec difficulté, j'ai pu télécharger le manuel du JRC 1500, mais en anglais ET... AUCUNE LISTE DES MESSAGES d'erreur avec l'explication des causes possibles, comme le voudrait tout bon manuel utilisateur.

    Pourriez-vous m'aider à résoudre ? j'ai vraimnt beson du radar car je suis en navigation hauturière pour 2 ou 3 jours en méditerranée...
    Merci pour votre réponse !
  4. Lt Mones
  5. dmitrytoda
    could you send me a link for that Cat27? can't find it right away
  6. arch007
    hello trentepieds,

    I really need help and have appreciated all your posts. You seem very knowledgeable and I am at a real loss. Sorry to disturb you.

    I have this white corrosion on all my thru hulls.

    Changed bilge pump. installed galvanic isolator. Changed prop zinc.

    Still no change.

    Appreciate any help.
  7. Pierstefano
    Hello TrentePieds, how are you? let me tell you about my project. First of all I hope that this message is allowed. Anyway my project use the sail boat as vehicle to inform people ( NO commercial, and NO-Profit ) , So my association sportive and cultural (named NAVIGARE IN AMICIZIA) based at Marina di Genova (Italy) will organize an itinerant event in each harbour where we will moored during the program. During day the regatta and night the meeting of expert Medician to involve people as audience. Thema will be "Prevention to the Women's Cancer" and target will be " The sensibilization to this issue". So I'm asking if it's possible to divulgate this message to all people interested to partecipate o support the event. In particular Women affected and winner against cancer will be the testimonial on board of my sailboat. What about? Sorry if this post is not adeguate of the contest! (at Ligurian Sea-Italy)
  8. unbusted67
    Hey Trente, Maybe you could go back and read this thread again. I just went back over it and I am definitely not being "not nice" to this guy. I've been on here since '06, I've given a lot to CF over the years, including a lot of free advice, pointers, friendly encouragement to new users. Please have a look at the bigger picture.
  9. 44'cruisingcat
    How about him calling me a liar? Does that meet your niveness requirements?

    This guy claims to be a multihull designer, but won't name boats he's designed, and many of his posts are pure rubbish. Such as sailing downwind at 14' apparent.

    If that's not living in his own loonyverse, what is?
  10. salty.senorita
    That's rather interesting, he basically told me I was going to die setting a stern anchor which is why I responded that way. No thread gets this way with a man posting, but me, a woman, oh dear, she's weak and can't handle this and is going to die!


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  • Last Activity: Yesterday 19:47
  • Join Date: 26-06-2015
  • Referrals: 1

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