Cruisers Forum

Southern Star has received many accoladesSouthern Star has received many accolades

Southern Star Southern Star is offline

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  1. sailormanlou
    Bonjour! What a lovely life! I am a newbie although I have a current AB and recently retired from the Sailors' Union of the Pacific. I do have an AOS from the Culinary Institute and I studied French Literature. So I went to Martinique and fell in love with it. I spent some time in Vauclin and Le Marin. The thing is getting to the beaches is treacherous if you don't arrive by boat. I'm thinking about getting a six pack license. That island looks so nice, too. Thanks for living the dream! I know I have to crew on a boat for awhile or should. Just learn navigation and buy one and do it is an option. Thanks again! I have to get workingf papaers from France
  2. 44'cruisingcat
    Well, THAT thread didn't last long! Any questions about biased moderation on this site have been answered.
  3. Watercolor
    Southern Star - Disregard that last post. I never rec'd a notice of your response to my post and simply read it incorrectly.

    I've been trying to figure out how to go about it. You're right I do have a lot of background and info on the issue. I always thought that thru-hulls and seacocks were very important to boaters. But after trying a few simple forays into the topic I'm not so sure it's worth it.

    Having said that thanks for the response. I've actually going to try again.
  4. Watercolor
    Southern Star - I'd like to do a multi-part progressive poll regarding seacocks and thru-hulls. Could I impose on your expertise to get it started?
  5. svloki
    Hi Southern Star-
    I am starting to make a Mack Pack style sail cover, and saw your post. I would like to add battens as well, seems like they would help. Does yours have hooks on the mast to make it drop down? Do you have a picture to share. Thanks very much. Bruce on sailboat Loki (cruising Mexico)
  6. jimbob
    have you just left hurgarda egypt?
  7. wanderer53
    Were you in Trinidad 2006?
  8. Solosailor
    Sorry, wrong Southern Star. I'm sailing on another Star Acapulco to Panama in December.

About Me

  • About Southern Star
    Vessel Make/ model
    1994 Solaris Sunstream 40
    Vessel Name
    Estrella del Sur
    Wherever our boat is; Playa Zaragoza, Isla Margarita
    Full-time cruiser.
    Despite coming from a non-boating family, I caught the sailing bug early and purchased my first 'boat' - a Styrofoam Sea Snark, at age 12 with money from paper routes, cutting lawns, etc. Since then, in addition to bareboating and crewing for others on offshore passages, I have continuously owned a boat including a 14 foot Blue Jay (at age 16), a 17'3" Siren with cuddy, a Continental 25 fiberglass Folkboat, an Alberg 30, a Bayfield 32, a Cartwright 36 Pilothouse Cutter and my current boat, a Solaris Sunstream 40 catamaran.

    Retired as of July 15, 2015, we have sold off our house in Canada and will be sailing south starting in late September, cruising the Bahamas and Caribbean during the winter of 2015/16 and thereafter....who knows?

    We also own a beautiful beach front property on Isla Margarita, but our plans to build a small 'boutique' resort there are on indefinite hold until the political and economic situation stabilizes.


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 30-03-2022 16:00
  • Join Date: 11-12-2007
  • Referrals: 1


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