It is an absolute pleasure to meet you and get to see things from a lady’s perspective. My father was also an incredible waterman and a real “hard bloke”. The things he got up to spear fishing (poaching) was the stuff of legend. Still, he had this strong sense of honour and family. While my mother is now some sort of veteran world swimming champ, she just did not have that spirit of adventure and as a kid relocated us inland. It didn’t matter what happened no one could ever tame that attraction I have to the ocean. I often wonder if I was conceived during a bit of aquatic activity where these things weren’t thought possible?
I just hope I can be that same positive role-model for my daughter! She is just such an outgoing kid who loves nature.
Funny enough I was having this conversation last night with a bloke who was telling me it is illegal to hoist the Jolly Rodger in England. Well I hoist mine regularly and have even sent my daughter to pirate school to learn some proper etiquette. For father's day this Sunday we bought this big pirate kite that we might try to fly behind the boat. Hopefully I won't get us into too much trouble!