Cruisers Forum

micah719's Profile Picture
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micah719 micah719 is offline

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Profile Comments

Showing Profile Comments 1 to 4 of 4
  1. reiner
    Hey Micah, I excepted your friends request but the forum seems not to take any note of it. I saved the changes but no idea how to fix it.
    How is life anyway?
  2. reiner
    Hi Micah, what are you doing in Germany? I was born over there and now live in Brisbane.
    Please tell me :-)
  3. zeehag
    single?? what are dreams--we have a thread --ssssm part deux--is in my signature--- come on to meet us-- first answer q then i admit ye..LOL...thankyou. kd
  4. Astrid
    That old 18th century rum cocktail recipe comes from the British Admiralty of the mid-1700s; it is probably the original sailor's cocktail. I rather like it myself.

About Me

  • About micah719
    Vessel Make/ model
    OEM, proportional
    Vessel Name
    S/V Under Construction
    Somewhere in Germany
    Archery, Sailing, Fishing, Reading, Traditional Wood/Metal/Leather-working, Laughing, Eating, Sleeping
    Born in Germany, raised in Australia, demilitarised, well-traveled, hungering for the freedom of the salty seas, premillenial sovereign grace baptist
  • Signature
    Ps 139:9-10 If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me.


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 15-12-2017 13:47
  • Join Date: 07-07-2012
  • Referrals: 0


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