Cruisers Forum

Conversation Between Tsuru and nuru05
Showing Profile Comments 1 to 3 of 3
  1. Tsuru
    Good morning and thanks for the reply. Despite the excessive yard charges it looks really nice. We have a similar sized mid cockpit Oyster and I think it would suit us well.
    Thank you again,
  2. nuru05
    Sorry for the late reply, didn't realize I had a message.

    It was done by Atlantic towers, It was only like $6200 + shipping. I put their solar arch on last year and couldn't be happier with it. They make a damn good product and their customer support is amazing.

    Tell them Jon from the moody 425 sent you, they will probably remember me.
  3. Tsuru
    Good morning, Sorry about your Bimini insallation trouble. I don't have any input in that regard, except to say it's a nice looking Bimini. Can you share who made the bimini frame?
    Thanks and good luck resolving your issue. FYI, our boats are laid out in a very similar fashion. What is it?
    SV Aurora
    Hood River, Oregon

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