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Old 03-04-2006, 11:59   #1
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Has anyone had a problem with critters coming on board your boat? Summer before last we had a problem with mice. That's when we found out our cat was a factory reject

I always thought the scent of a cat (or dog) would keep certain things, like mice, away from our house or boat. To be completely honest I never thought mice would get on a boat.

Anyhow, when it did happen, it was Shadows first year on the boat and she did not seem the slightest bit interested in catching anything bigger than a fly. One night Rick was holding her and scratching behind her ears when a mouse ran out from behind the sink, ran around the v berth and went in behind the cabinet on the other side. Out of the corner of my eye I could see all of our heads -including the cat's - following the trail of this mouse. When it had disappeared did Shadow want to get down and give chase? Nope. just nudged Rick's hand to tell him the floor show was over and he could resume scratching now. We ended up having to set traps to get rid of the mice. We caught 7 in toatal and haven't had a problem since.

Lori, Rick and Shadow
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Old 03-04-2006, 12:50   #2
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Our cat was similar. One day she came in with a bird in mouth. How the heck did she do that I said. I reckon she must have been asleep with her mouth open and the bird thought it was a place to build a nest or something. If you have ever seen Garfeild, that is our cat. The Female version.
Yours is probably like ours was, too well looked after and too well feed.

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Old 03-04-2006, 16:42   #3
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Heard this story not too long ago on this forum.

But funny and messed up at the same time?

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Old 03-04-2006, 18:01   #4
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You guys ever think of using rat guards on your dock lines?

That's what all the big ships use when tied up in port along their docks!!!

Even the US Navy use rat guards to keep those pesky bastards off the ships!!!

Can be built using light weight aluminum sheets. And cut them to be round. And have it made into two sections. Bolted or riveted on the bottom. So that you can install or remove from the dock lines.

"Those who desire to give up Freedom in order to gain security, will not have, nor do they deserve, either one." - Benjamin Franklin
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Old 03-04-2006, 19:07   #5
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Ferret !!!!
Nothing will get rid of 4 footed vermin faster than a ferret.

Had a Norway rat get into the suspended ceiling in my office, tried all sorts of potions, baits, traps, etc. all without success. My vet recommended a ferret handler .... the rat was 'breakfast' in about 15 minutes.

Of course if you want to raise a ferret you can then play the famous highland game of *ferret-legging*:
1. Drink a liberal amount of good single malt scots whiskey
2. Wear baggy loose fitting wool trousers
2a. Tie pants cuffs tightly about ankles with twine, etc.
3. Underwear is NOT allowed
4. Insert ferret into pants fly, close quickly & securely
5. Whack ferret
6. The one who keeps the ferret 'in' the longest, "wins"
7. Bandages are optional
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Old 03-04-2006, 19:21   #6
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Hey Richhh.

I've heard of "ferret-legging". Pretty cool game to watch!!

It's priceless, when you see the looks on the faces of the contestants after the ferret gets whacked after they're inside the gentlemen's trousers.

One guy had his testacles bit. You shoulda heard him scream like a lady!!

"Those who desire to give up Freedom in order to gain security, will not have, nor do they deserve, either one." - Benjamin Franklin
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Old 03-04-2006, 20:23   #7
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Unfortunately, ferrets are one of the many things that are outlawed in Ca.
My cat is a great mouser. She is also a great guard cat. She has no fear of dogs, and has been known to chase pit bulls that were brought up to get along with cats. I guess you would say she doesn't play well with ithers. I would hire here out, but the only thing she hates more than dogs, is travel. She pulls a disappearing act whenever we leave the dock, and when we take longer trips, we have to lock her up long before we start to stow gear. She is onto us. You want a good mouser, find a cat that was taught to hunt by a fox.
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Old 03-04-2006, 20:52   #8
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Try those sticky traps. Not very humane but they seem to work better than the old fashioned mouse trap. Is there any truth to the rumour of rats leaving a sinking ship? If there is you can pretend to scuttle your boat. I'd try the sticky trap first.

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Old 03-04-2006, 20:57   #9
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It is amazing that a boat that is sealed enough to take on the open ocean seems to provide little more than a challenge to a rat.
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Old 03-04-2006, 21:56   #10
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The pest problem I/we have here are wasps. Them li'l buggers sneak in thru the gangway lid corners and sleep away the winter. Then in spring I'm schooing them out unless I can nail it to the deck with my hat. Then it's toast
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Old 03-04-2006, 23:04   #11
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Fortunately wasp sprays have become very effective. You can nail the nests from a couple feet away, and nothing gets past you. Far easier than rodents.
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Old 04-04-2006, 00:19   #12
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I wonder if one of those lights (Bug Zapper) would work on wasp's?

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Old 04-04-2006, 08:41   #13
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Its beginning to sound like the spud cannon sites!
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Old 04-04-2006, 11:30   #14

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Call me a whimp, but I can't deal with those sticky traps. One time, in an apartment in Manhattan, I had a mouse to catch. So I bought the sticky traps.

I woke up to the shrill sound of a mouse squeaking. He was caught on the trap and was scared. Only his back legs were caught, so he was wrenching all over the place trying to get free.

I brought him outside and tried to get him off the trap, and it was impossible. Nothing would get him loose. The little guy was looking up at me with big, brown eyes full of fear. There was nothing I could do. He could either starve/dehydrate to death in a dumpster (CRUEL!) or the only alternative was to find a way to kill him quickly and more humanely.

So as I looked into those little eyes, I realized I had to kill it myself. I put him and the sticky trap out on the sidewalk and splatted him with the heel of my shoe. It was disgusting. It was one of the hardest things I ever had to do.

I'd never use a sticky trap again. Too cruel.

Originally Posted by Charlie
Try those sticky traps. Not very humane but they seem to work better than the old fashioned mouse trap. Is there any truth to the rumour of rats leaving a sinking ship? If there is you can pretend to scuttle your boat. I'd try the sticky trap first.

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Old 04-04-2006, 17:47   #15
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What's even more worse, if you are in a situation. Were you had to put your own cat or dog down?

I had to put my cat down. Cause one of my neighbors. (And I know who it was!!!) Shot him with a BB gun.

The old bastard next door, always complained about my cat going over to his yard digging up his garden. What the bastard didn't realized, is there are over 30 cats in my neighborhood "alone". And he had to single out my cat!! Motherfuc!er!!

Anyways. I had to drag him out back. And whack him over the head with a shovel. That was the earliest most awful feeling I had ever felt. And to this day. Just about over 30 years ago. I still feel bad about it!!

In retribution for what my neighbor did. I poisoned the ground with various chemicals. Set his backyard on fire. And killed all his outside plants. When someone hurts or kills something precious to me. I get very vindictive!!! And I hate people who do things like that. Including towards people.

"Those who desire to give up Freedom in order to gain security, will not have, nor do they deserve, either one." - Benjamin Franklin
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