Well before you decide if a sugar scoop is a must have you need to decide if a 40 pound dog is a must have.
Cruising with
pets internationally is a huge commitment. You compound that with a bigger animal.
If poochie becomes a must have then a boarding system for poochie is a must have.
The pet boarding ladder could be used. There may be a limit on how big (long) a boarding ladder you can stow/rig/manage.
This then limits freeboard.
Alternately you find a yacht with built in sugar scoops and a walk through transom.
Both of these may have implications on getting the
boat pooped in a storm.
Or you subject poochie to a harness and boom hoist.
Now imagine when poochie is 13-14 years old. It is going to be extra tough on poochie at that time.
I have seen many big
dogs in advancing years - I would suggest getting on and off a boat - especially from a
dinghy - is not something they need to be doing. Maybe a
mediterranean mooring gangway...
We had friends with a 14 y/o Akita that couldn't do 2 steps out the back yard to do her business. She became quite incontinent and in pain and eventually it was humane to put her to sleep. There is no way she could have done a boat in her last 2 years.
Please consider all of the above random connected thoughts and no judgements on anyone.