edit,.......I'm an old fart, so I can't help you SS.
But I post the following in response to the negative comments made...........
I'm 50+, log onto FB daily, and I voted in the
poll and completed the linked survey.
I control what I post on FB. It includes my name, where I went to school, and some pictures of my recent travels and a couple of old motorcycles of mine. Plus of course any texts of communication with friends. Which I'm in control of as well. I realize some people have no control in this area, and that can get them into trouble. Not sure that's FB's fault.
I only have a couple of dozen friends on FB and they are the only folks who see my stuff. The friends of these friends can see a post I have made to a mutual friends
posting, but if they go to my page all they see is my name and profile pic, which they have already seen in the mutual friends
posting. All this is controlled in the settings. The default settings are now set to more privacy than when FB started years ago.
Any one else who happens to stumble on my page can see my name and profile picture only. I don't consider this much of a privacy concern. Especially considering what is a matter of public
record with various
government agencies and is increasingly available to anyone online.
My friends say they enjoy keeping up with my
current wanderings. And I feel more connected and appreciate their support as a solo sailor.