Originally Posted by Mellowsail
Group9- How old were your kids? How long did you go between visits?
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My son was nine and my daughter was eleven. I only have visitation three times a year, summer, spring break and alternating Thanksgivings and Christmases (unless I go up to where they are on a weekend). The big problem logistically, was them not being able to fly foreign from the US at those ages by themselves. But, there were no hassles from the
Bahamas officials for flying them in and out with us while we were there on a cruising
permit. The only hard part is the dollars.
Of course now, they are 13 and 15, but we're planning on leaving on another long
cruise next year, and one of the things we are having to plan for and
budget for, are the visits and the costs that go along with them.
And, they are both getting to the age where they really like hanging out with their friends more than than parents (I can't complain, I remember being that way myself as a teenager. When I was sixteen, I talked my parents into leaving me home instead of going on
vacation with them, so I could
work. I never went on one again after that,). My daughter who will be 16, has already told me she is looking for a summer job, and may only be able to come visit a few days next summer.
They grow up. Enjoy them as much as you can.