It has been a while since I have been here...probably about a year. Due to major changes a new baby, a house that won't sell and husband doing short term
contract work we haven't done any sailing recently. I have a question that I though would be perfect to put out there for families sailing with young
We are not in any one place long term and finding doctors for my new baby every month or 2 has been a challenge. I am not planning to give my little girl all of the vaccines on the normal schedule. I would love to find a way to get her the vaccines that I want when I want them without having to wait weeks and go through the long explanation of why I am looking for a new doctor or why my address is in FL. My husband makes good
money so the free clinics aren't an option and I am not concerned about the other things in the well baby checkups. I have a scale a measuring stick and the
charts to track that stuff on my own. We have been in the US and most likely will remain here for awhile. My daughter is less than 6 months old and I want to get her vaccines about once a month so that they can be spread out, so there are a lot of Dr visits.
So my question is where do you get your
kids vaccinated when you are traveling and won't likely see the same doctor?