17-07-2012, 16:32
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Re: Looking for some female sailors to hang out with!
Originally Posted by ArtM
+1 to not being confused. I understood what the post was about, but in defense of the others,
1) It wasn't entirely clear that you are a woman, and
2) The way this software works, it's not at all clear (to the viewer) that you were posting in a Women's topic forum.
They were just looking for a little juvenile fun at the expense of some poor sucker, not realizing that you were a female looking for female sailing friends.
Maybe try again?
she already replied to 1) and 2) in one of her posts
17-07-2012, 17:12
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Re: Looking for some female sailors to hang out with!
I delivered a catamaran to the C&D canal from Florida for a couple who are fairly new to sailing. PM me for their contact info.They are looking for sailing partners . As for captkj, he has a looney tune avatar. How can you take his poking seriously? Or any of us , for that matter!!! We are invisible here on the internet and our ability to post our opinions can often exceed our ability to think or show compassion for others. I have been there myself, and often , my twisted sense of humor is lost on or offends others. At least captkj, unlike many others here, was man enough to apologize . Not enough, though, KEEP GROVELLING , it's entertaining.
17-07-2012, 17:13
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Re: Looking for some female sailors to hang out with!
Sorry to bring this back on track, but I'm starting to feel sorry for poor KJ whose heart was in the right place when he thought she was a he...
I've had a lot of luck going down for Wednesday night racing and walking onto a boat. They're often looking for crew and you don't have to be some sort of expert. You already have more experience than a lot of people do when they start crewing.
Each boat has a different culture on it, but many are casual and fun. Every boat I've raced on has had a good number of women on it, but there's also usually one or two all women boats racing and these will be especially open to an energetic young woman wanting to learn more.
The intergoogle will tell you when and where the races are, and you can usually just show up with boat clothes on and ask around. Most clubs have a "no crew left behind" policy and will find you a ride.
17-07-2012, 17:26
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Re: Looking for some female sailors to hang out with!
I am completly amused that this feed is still going on :-) I've had several laughs and made a few new friends. Thanks for all of the input, I've had a couple of messages inviting me to sail and am still looking. I'll be checking out yacht clubs while there as well. Anyway, I'm logging off for a bit....packing for my trip!
18-07-2012, 07:46
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Re: Looking for some female sailors to hang out with!
(boarding the plane now headed to my temporary home on a boat in Philly!)
18-07-2012, 07:47
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Re: Looking for some female sailors to hang out with!
Originally Posted by SmartMove
Well, for what it's worth, I totally knew what she was saying.
I knew as well. Maybe some forum members should take the time to carefully read a post before responding, instead of rushing through and immediately posting.
Jay White
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19-07-2012, 11:40
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Re: Looking for some female sailors to hang out with!
This is why we have a Mermaids Group
"What am I seeking, out on the sea,
somewhere to go, or someone to be?"
- "Orion", Eileen Quinn
20-07-2012, 18:03
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But be careful not to post any thing personal in the mermaids group as it was hacked into by a member
20-07-2012, 18:41
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Oh g r e a t!
"What am I seeking, out on the sea,
somewhere to go, or someone to be?"
- "Orion", Eileen Quinn
20-07-2012, 19:28
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Yeah there went my security in discussing personal topics there. Better to exchange info of people you trust and take personal remarks/sharing elsewhere. Not a secure site.
21-07-2012, 01:19
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Re: Looking for some female sailors to hang out with!
Originally Posted by Gadagirl
But be careful not to post any thing personal in the mermaids group as it was hacked into by a member
And I can report that there are continued attempts to hack in by bogus 'women'.
I have foiled 5 separate attempts so far.
21-07-2012, 08:00
cat herder, extreme blacksheep
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Re: Looking for some female sailors to hang out with!
seems bill burgette made a nasty statement that was removed-- why do males always have to feel their lil items are inadequate is we do not kow tow to their tinyness and allow their nasty attitudes into closed groups????
males who make snide and rude comments about females need to be educated in some way to remove their tiny minds.
i know about the posting because of the subscription i have to the mermaids group.
is this kind of abuse that is turning away potential members from cf. it is visible and obnoxious and presents a bad face for the forum.
21-07-2012, 08:14
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Re: Looking for some female sailors to hang out with!
And....by the way, is the reason some woman sailor friends of mine browse blind but don't join because there are too many *colorful word...paint it anyway you like*. So the handful of people that make snide remarks are doing this forum a great service. I wonder if they think beyond their little members on how this affects membership on CF. Perhaps the moderators should.
"What am I seeking, out on the sea,
somewhere to go, or someone to be?"
- "Orion", Eileen Quinn
21-07-2012, 08:25
cat herder, extreme blacksheep
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Re: Looking for some female sailors to hang out with!
is one reason why i use a pseudonym--as well as safety from being stalked--btdt--didnt like it--as opposed to what the guys all said---bet ye liked the attention"--the kind of attention given by a stalker is not the kind of attention one wants--doesnt matter the gender of self.
if the aim here on cf is to remain nice to everyone, then why is it not carried thru to the social groups and to the way in which females here in cf are treated by the males who do the nasty words......and so much credit is given those who make a complaint because of sour grapes---it reflects badly on the forum when bad stuff is done to the folks trying to run and communicate within a social group.
at least this group is moderated--s4m is not--just has a babysitter and many predatory types have been running thru trying to prey on the singles in the group--yet i can do nothing on cf--go figger. mebbe the powers that be will see the light when the lawsuit charging cf with harboring predators comes thru courts.....
21-07-2012, 12:59
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Re: Looking for some female sailors to hang out with!
Lots of pot and kettle comments - very tempting to stir the pot a few times. Must resist. must resist. must.......
Originally Posted by anjou
And I can report that there are continued attempts to hack in by bogus 'women'.
I have foiled 5 separate attempts so far.
Is that hack or simply scam their way in? (by pretending to be women) - I only ask because if folks are hacking into the CF board software in one place then a heads up (to everyone) would be nice, as that likely not all they are doing, albeit I suspect the latter.
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