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Old 08-05-2018, 08:20   #1
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Homeschooling - not so much online

hi guys...

In 50 days we leave land to pursue our dreams in Catamaran. I've had decided for homeschooling Calvert School for my 7,11 and 14 years old daugthers. So far so good until the moment the mentioned that the High School program is 100% online!! Thats sound like a nightmare witch would force us to always be connected.... and this is not exactly what I am looking for when living in a Sailboat... Support online, sounds great as we will have internet most of the times, but it cannot be mandatory..

Anyway, any advices?

PS: we are Brazilians and my KIDS have attended American Schools... We need a certified school in order to enroll them when we are back from our 1 or 2 year travel.
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Old 08-05-2018, 09:14   #2
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Re: Homeschooling - not so much online


I was homeschooled as a kid, but not on a boat. This was quite a few years ago now.

We (siblings and I) used a workbook-based curriculum. This was great because it allowed the student to go at their own pace.

Because of this I would suggest buying the books for their grades you intend to cover, and a few beyond that. It's not uncommon to cover 2-3 years of lessons in under a year.

There is a lot out there about teaching home-schooled kids and how to give incentives to learn. It's important to set goals and to give motivation. Obviously this will be different on a boat. Maybe "if you can get through these lessons we get a day off to explore!" or something?

Of course it will have to be tailored to you.

If you want well-educated children, your goal going into this MUST be to teach your kids. Not to supplement their education because YOU want to sail (or in my case, because my parents wanted to spend time with us).

It has to be a selfless activity on your part. Otherwise your children will be lagging behind their peers.

If done right your kids can have a much better education and it will be extremely rewarding to you and to them.

Also, I would think outside the box. The most beneficial things for me personally was to:

1) Read a LOT of books (rather than just "learn the rules" in English class)

2) Learn programming

3) Have fun with math

I would also suggest giving your kids a leg-up and throw some languages in the mix. My parents hated languages so I did not have this advantage. Much easier to learn a second or a third language when you're young. This will also be a great chance for you to learn the language, too.

Just because you don't like a specific subject don't ignore it or just do the bare-minimum. For one, it is an awful example to your kids to ignore what is hard. Second, it is throwing away an opportunity for you to enjoy that subject.

Honestly it is learn-as-you-go for both you and them. Find what works. Teach them as much as you possibly can. If you are overloaded, reevaluate. If the subjects are too easy for your kids, reevaluate. And so on...

And read!
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Old 08-05-2018, 11:37   #3
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Re: Homeschooling - not so much online

Originally Posted by Griloboat View Post

PS: we are Brazilians and my KIDS have attended American Schools... We need a certified school in order to enroll them when we are back from our 1 or 2 year travel.
Enroll them back into American schools, or in Brazil?

I homeschooled my children for several years without a certified program, and my kids were let back in to public school with no questions asked, in America. Not sure about Brazil. Of course, that could be state/city related.
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Old 24-12-2018, 09:46   #4
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Re: Homeschooling - not so much online

Hi- thanks for your post. How is it going? It seems you may have departed and are on the adventure. Did you stay with Calvert or choose another option?
We are preparing to cast off and have the same questions.
// John
John Adams
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Old 11-02-2019, 22:56   #5
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Re: Homeschooling - not so much online

Hi Griloboat, are you able to tell us how you are doing this legally? Is homeschooling legal in Brazil?

Where we are currently resident, schooling is mandatory and homeschooling is not allowed. We're looking for alternative options - it may be that the kids become legal residents in another country or go to a "homeschool friendly boarding school".

I'm out of my depth though, and still researching. Any advice is appreciated!
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