Originally Posted by Lt.
So, is it possible to have a 5-10-15 gal. tank on board?
The things to consider I can come up with are: sloshing, and if you untie from the
dock it will slosh, the ability to refresh the
water and the stability of the tank itself. A small tank would make each of these less of a problem. I wouldn't have a glass tank on board unless it's very small. The larger the tank and the smaller the
boat the more weight might be a factor as well.
Water weighs about 8 lbs. per gallon so with a larger tank you want it placed so it doesn't imbalance the
I'm an inveterate fish watcher but find that the critters in the ocean do it for me. You do have to consider if it is worth it to you to have a tank on board; I don't imagine any of the problems are insurmountable though.