Originally Posted by LindaLee
Hi everyone!
We have recently started living aboard a Pearson 424 and are having trouble getting our border collie, Gypsy, in and out of the cabin from the cockpit. She is pretty agile and happily jumps from dock to boat but the ladder is too steep into the cockpit and my husband has to carry her. Any ideas? We are looking st done dog ramps on Amazon but they look bulky and pricey!
Thanks for any tips!
Linda & Dave
All depends on your layout, but we've had success getting our geriatric pup up and down from our cabin using a collapsing
ramp. The entire drop is too far, but we finally found a way to set the
ramp from up top onto a cabinet, then from the cabinet either lifting her the short way or having her hop onto a short bench and then onto the ground.
Certainly took some creativity... but now that its dialed in and part of then daily routine no big deal (and worth it as she wants to sleep where we do!)!