14-11-2011, 06:36
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Advice Needed on Tools for Boats
Hi. I have been laughing out loud and learning heaps reading this forum. I am in the process of clearing the clutter and making a life 'sea change'. Before I have a garage sale, I need to put aside all the tools that I will need when I get my own boat. I am sure everything I could possibly need is in the shed.  (My husband had every tool known to man but doesn't need them in heaven.) Is anyone able to point me towards a list of 'must have' tools for a live aboard sailing boat with a diesel motor.  Thanks
14-11-2011, 06:58
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Re: Advice needed on tools for boats
Hi Awesome...
Welcome to CF... good to have you here.. sounds like you could have some interesting exploits ahead...
For the tools.. it would be good to have an idea of the boat... steel, ally, fibre, wood...
Generally you've got to cover electric's, carpentry, mechanic's...
I'll leave it to your 'Countrymen' to supply lists...
we have different names for things over here..

You can't oppress a people for so many decades and have them say.. "I Love You.. ".
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14-11-2011, 07:01
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Re: Advice needed on tools for boats
Greetings and welcome aboard the CF, Awesome Grandma.
Gord May
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14-11-2011, 07:22
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Re: Advice needed on tools for boats
Originally Posted by Awesome Grandma
Is anyone able to point me towards a list of 'must have' tools for a live aboard sailing boat with a diesel motor.  Thanks
Unless you will be doing a full on Boat Refurb project, then first to go would be any bench tools. I would keep any normal power tools, especially if cordless.
Will also be useful to know if your boat is metric or imperial. or both  - principally the engine.......will need sockets to fit.
With some things (like Spanners) having double of same size is useful....so a bit of care in not keeping "unneccesary" duplicates.
Once the bench tools and a (lifetimes?) collection of "just in case" bits and bobs have been removed from the workshop you may be surprised at how few boxes the remaining tools fit into (for simple storage).......I would keep as much as you can, until you know whether of use - buying tools does add up $$$. and if you have a boat you will be using tools  ....the same goes for screws and nuts and bolts.
If you want to ask a second opinion on items post details here  .
14-11-2011, 07:30
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Re: Advice needed on tools for boats
1) tape measure
2) full socket set with both metric and english
3) wire cutters
4) needle nose pliers
5) hammer and rubber mallot
6) adjustable wrench
7) pliers
8) long regular screw driver
9) small volt meter
10) sheet rock knife
11)t elescoping mirror
12)telescoping magnet
13)cordless drill
14)full set of drills
15) vise grips
16) scraper
14-11-2011, 07:33
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Re: Advice needed on tools for boats
Any tool you don't alreay have.
14-11-2011, 07:40
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Re: Advice needed on tools for boats
Originally Posted by Awesome Grandma
Hi. I have been laughing out loud and learning heaps reading this forum. I am in the process of clearing the clutter and making a life 'sea change'. Before I have a garage sale, I need to put aside all the tools that I will need when I get my own boat. I am sure everything I could possibly need is in the shed.  (My husband had every tool known to man but doesn't need them in heaven.) Is anyone able to point me towards a list of 'must have' tools for a live aboard sailing boat with a diesel motor.  Thanks
You should have s separate tool box JUST for your engine. Put in it things you KNOW will fit your engine's parts.
I have a really cool wooden box for my top companionway step. Everything in there has a "1" on it -- as does the box. 95% of the time that box contains any tool I need in it.
I also have a tool box with a 2 on it. All those tools have 2's on them. Those are tools I know fit my engine.
ANYONE who is on my boat knows to put the 1's back in the 1 box and the 2's in the 2 box.
14-11-2011, 07:57
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Re: Advice needed on tools for boats
Excellent system Raku...
Another essential that'll save money and tears is a sailmakers kit...
sailmakers palm, waxed twine and needles...
lost count of the times I've had to re-do stitching while underway and far from land... also one or two marlin spikes and shackle keys... double side blade (one side serrated) sharp knife, whipping twine and s/s wire for seizing shackles
I Voyage with my crap sails... save the good ones for when the craps blown out...
or I'm stopping somewhere awhile..
There is also a tool that doctors use to cut plasters of people, touch sensitive... cannot remember the name.. saw one being used on a boat carving out a spar by someone I'd met... awesome little machine... if he had one... keep it..
I want one... but they're not cheap.

You can't oppress a people for so many decades and have them say.. "I Love You.. ".
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14-11-2011, 08:16
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Re: Advice Needed on Tools for Boats
I keep 2 sets of tools, one for the engine compartment and one for the deck. You might want to get some pry bars, assorted picks with sharp ends, pipe wrenchs with aluminum handles, and adjustable spanners, these are in addition to the precision spanners needed to work on the engine. I know I'll take a lot of heat for the adjustable spanners, but there are times when I just don't have the time to find all the correct size spanners. 2 of each of your spanners is almost vital, I always drop one in the bilge, that is also why when I need 2 hose clamps, I buy 3 or four, same with screws.
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14-11-2011, 08:41
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Re: Advice Needed on Tools for Boats
The most important tool............Knee pads
14-11-2011, 08:48
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Re: Advice needed on tools for boats
Originally Posted by Cotemar
1) tape measure
2) full socket set with both metric and english
3) wire cutters
4) needle nose pliers
5) hammer and rubber mallot
6) adjustable wrench
7) pliers
8) long regular screw driver
9) small volt meter
10) sheet rock knife
11)t elescoping mirror
12)telescoping magnet
13)cordless drill
14)full set of drills
15) vise grips
16) scraper
Cotemar's list is pretty much bang on I also have the following
Soldering iron
crimper for solderless connections
electrical tape, duct tape
spare turnbuckles pins and such
good set of screwdrivers
adjustable wrenchs 4" to 12"
pipe wrench
fuses lots of spares assorted sizes
cordless drill with spare battery
and I am sure more will come to mind but this is basically what I have onboard.
14-11-2011, 08:53
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Re: Advice Needed on Tools for Boats
Welcome Aboard Awesome Grandma. I would start by looking at the manual for your engine. Init there is frequently a list of tools that you will need to work on your engine. Because my boat was built in Canada I need to carry both metric and SAE sockets and wrenches. From there a good selection of electrical tools is required including a multimeter, needlenose pliers, sidecutters, linesman pliers, a crimping too, and a good selection of screwdrivers. I have a tool bag that I keep the frequently used tools in and then two other boxes of tools. Vise grips in three sizes, Wrenches to fit your packing gland, drill bits, a tap and die set, hack saw, chisels, a wood saw, a grinder, rechargable drill motor, and . . . either Don Casey's This Old Boat and/or Caulder's Boatowner's Mechanical and Electrical Manual: How to Maintain, Repair, and Improve Your Boat's Essential Systems. Not an exhaustive list but a good start.
Fair Winds,
Between us there was, as I have already said somewhere, the bond of the sea. Besides holding our hearts together through long periods of separation, it had the effect of making us tolerant of each other's yarns -- and even convictions. Heart of Darkness
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14-11-2011, 08:55

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Re: Advice Needed on Tools for Boats
All plumbing and electrical tools known to man, and then some, other than specialized tools not applicable (for brazing copper pipe, for example). Heavy bench tools you can't lift on board, you won't need. Some woodworking tools will be unnecessary. But in general, you willamazed at how intensively you use tools. You'll probably find your self increasing rather than redu cing, your late husband's collection. I'm sure it would make him very happy if he could see you getting some use out of them.
14-11-2011, 09:08
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Re: Advice Needed on Tools for Boats
Multimeter for electrical stuff. Somebody has already mentioned the crimpers and soldering iron.
Chalking gun - Chalk will come to be your friend and/or nemesis. Either way you won't get away from it.
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14-11-2011, 09:21
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Re: Advice Needed on Tools for Boats
I'm a tool junkie and endless tinkerer. Buying a boat this Aug really allowed me to go nuts on these obsessions. Almost too good to be true for a junkie like me. What was key to me was having a complete kit to do just about anything myself on the boat, and being well organized.
This article in Sail magazine in Aug was a good starting point: Tools for your Cruise
My solution to organization is working out really well. I bought three canvas tool rolls and a small canvas bag. The rolls are each a different color. One is all wrenches (fixed and adjustable), one is all sockets and ratchets and nut drivers, and one is "everyday" tools like a utility knife, various screwdrivers, various pliers, various cutters, etc. This last roll comes out almost every day it seems, the other two far less. The small bag is just big enough to hold hammers, hacksaw, clamps, and other odd shaped miscellaneous stuff. I use large zip lock bags, all collected in a single drawer, for spare materials by category - electrical, plumbing, screws, adhesives, etc. Spare engine parts are kept in their own boxes stored in their own locker.
I have a cordelss drill including a 12v charger, and all the bits. This comes out a lot for some reason too. I'm considering keeping my cordless sawzall onboard too.
Now everything is easy to find quickly. Also, since the tool rolls are each quite full I know right away after a job if I didn't put everything away - there should be no empty slots.
Now if I could just get my sock drawer at home so organized...
Looking forward to more on this thread about more obscure tools I don't yet have.
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