Originally Posted by User 09
If it helps, i do already have an Instant Pot pressure cooker and a single induction HOB now. Both of which i will keep and use regularly, but they do take up storage space, so the space where the old oven was would either become a built in convection oven, or storage space for a remoska.
We have both an Instant Pot and a slow cooker onboard, along with an
electric cooktop (to be changed to induction, whenever) and a combo microwave/convection over/air fryer.
The IP is tiny, because we already had the larger slow cooker. I could have instead combined all that into a larger IP for better storage and larger roasts... but haven't gotten a round tuit.
The combo oven thing is very versatile, and we often use it even if only for breads to complement whatever else is going on.
Originally Posted by DPritt
Looks pretty much like an Instant Pot