Hello friends!
Ive been pouring over posts and the
internet trying to get some insight on
legal hurdles of having a still on board a circumnavigating
boat? One YouTube channel flaunts their boat-made hooch from a small
electric still made by Still Spirits based out of
New Zealand. These units cost around $150-$200 USD...and they
work wonderfully! They are advertised as meant for hooch, essential oils,
water, etc. I have one at home and plan to bring it with me when we leave for our circ in a couple months. They are very simple, and make great product from plain table sugar,
water, and yeast...dirt
I know most countries restrict the actual act of distilling alcohol, but what about even owing a still? The distillation can occur while underway outside country borders
. They are very inconspicuous looking, kinda like a coffee pot. Think my beloved still going to be confiscated by some immigration/customs officer?
Thanks for any and all help!