Thanks for the info on alcohol attacking membrane glue and
seals. Your philosphy of using only chemicals prescribed by the manufacturer is sound. I was only quoting a roving Spectra rep who threw it out as a suggestion. I don't remember whether he actually used that technique. He also said he ran his watermaker in harbors and
marinas so he may not have listened closely in the Spectra Rep
training. He said he expects membranes to last only about 5 years. Little wonder given the way he treats his.
One concern I do have about the pickling solution that nearly everyone agrees with: Using it does shorten the expected life of the membrane. That is what I would like to prevent. Whenever possible, I let the system perform its fresh water flush every 5 days instead of pickling the membrane. I pickled it for the first time two weeks ago in conjunction with putting the
boat on blocks in Guaymas,
Mexico. I have nearly 300 hours on my membrane and it still makes great water.
Spectra does list ethylene glycol (pink non toxic RV
antifreeze as recommended by Evan in the reply just before yours) as an alternative solution. Unfortunately, I did not have time to search for it in Mexico. I'll buy a few gallons here in case I need to pickle the system again.