Originally Posted by Jim Cate
Was that aimed at me, Alan? Sounded like it..
You've the wrong person, Jim. Ain't my habit to criticise anyone on the forum. I just don't answer or respond to people who have shown themselves to be fools. You ain't one of them.
Let's instead consider the sheep and goat situation.
To date, in most all human endeavours, the
rule is that anyone seeks to gain the knowledge learned by those afore us.
Learning from the elders, from the experienced.
Some few people, establish new
learning themselves and emerge as leaders, creatives, and innovators within the established paradigm. Picasso or Dali.
Then there be those who kick against the norms established by the experience of the elders. The first category of goats, as it were. The goats think they are being creative. But many of them just neglected to learn the established paradigm. And fail. Or, for a very few, develop something new.
Now there be a new
route. Shown to us by Artificial Intelligence. The so-called 4th Industrial Revolution. AI based on machines learning from all of human experience, then devising new tactics that have never occurred to humans (whether those following the sheep
route or those kicking against the dominant paradigm and thinking they are creative goats). And in doing so revealing to us that all of what we thought was genuinely creative (Picasso and Dali) was really "conventional".
Should you play the board
game variously called go/weiqi/baduk and you've watched the AlphaGo documentary, or should you've read the WEF 4th IR report on beacon (or "lighthouse", the term WEF chose by mistake) factories, you'll ken my meaning.
What does that mean for cruisers?
Simple. We know that all cruising
boats are compromises. Compromises between comfort and performance, compromises between inherently unstable
racing designs and stable barges.
You've shown yourself not to be a sheep by choosing a
hull that is designed for greater performance while delivering acceptable comfort.
My way is when off soundings, such as when I departed Long Beach headed for Hawai'i - with no where to anchor on the way - to haul my anchor chain aft so as much as possible is as close as possible to the CG of the
hull. And to move my two bowers to positions amidships.
Just like you've a hull that is designed for performance, I've a hull and deck that is designed and set up for precisely that: to get mass out of the ends of the boat.
Carrying the equivalent of a few people's mass sitting on the pointy end for a few weeks of sailing over
water too deep for
anchoring jes doan seem wot any smart goat would do, right?