Unless you are a hardcore
racer, there is no need for a deep draught vessel for a cruising sailor. It's detriments far outweigh its positives. Certain shoal draft keels do induce more leeway on close/beam reaches or in wave/current conditions but it is a small trade-off for access to safe, protected
anchorages and traversing shoal draft cruising areas. Thomm and Steve have given some good recommendations for sail trim and will be beneficial to shoal draft sailors. Having owned both deep draught and shoal draft vessels(my
current boat), I would never choose a deep draught vessel for cruising. Good luck and safe sailing. P.S. I remember well a night safely secured in 4.5 feet of
water behind the mangroves(mud bottom)in the lower
Florida Bay Keys when 50-70
knot gusts over a 2 hour period wreaked havoc among several cruising
boats anchored in deeper
water causing considerable damage to hulls and
rigging as they dragged through the anchorage. The next day, several
boats returned to
Miami and Marathon to effect necessary