I've done the
Panama to Hawaii trip, and it is not a bash. Its light air sailing and
motor sailing until Coast Rico, then reaching and then running out to Hilo in increasing
wind. If I had to to it again, I would hang closer to the coast after Punta Mala and
work the day and night breezes to Costa Rico rather than the lighter stuff 100 miles
offshore. We left on April 1 and it took 29 days to go the 4600 miles in the
Beneteau 456.
Spend some time in the islands (like Hanalei Bay) and
head to the mainland in July. Close reach for about a week to 48-40N, then tack, or motor through the corner of the high and you have a reach home-- it took us 16 days to
Santa Cruz. You also have the option of a relatively easy sail north to the
Pacific Northwest.
If you want to go up the coast, you will have to deal with Papagayos, Tehauntepecers, and the bash, which can start long before Cabo.