When tacking
single handed, I usually go through this evolution.
Get three or four wraps on the windward
winch with the windward sheet.
Sheet in the main.
Pull the leeward sheet out of the tailer while maintaining pressure.
Pick up the loosely wrapped windward sheet and commence the tack.
As she comes
head to
wind and the pressure on the headsail ceases, I flip the wraps off the old leeward
winch and pull on the new leeward sheet quickly.
I center the
helm while pulling light and fast on the new leeward sheet, throw the sheet in the tailer to keep the sheet from back winding out, put the winch handle in and trim. If ya time it you shouldn't need more than a couple of turns with the handle.
Trim the main, put your wraps on the new windward winch and enjoy the new tack.
I usually wrap the off sheet around the winch, to the cleat, do a single figure 8 and dress the sheet for the next tack.
Practice makes perfect....