Originally Posted by coffee
As a continuos lurker and newbie just gleaning all I can from this forum, I absolutely love (and greatly appreciate) the fact that you throw these tidbits in Gord. Just wanted to say Thanks!
Also, anyone happen to know how this preforms in comparison to the butterfly knot aka alpine butterfly? Strength and/or ease of untie after load? A quick google didn't seem to turn up much useful.
Can't say for sure but looking at the Alpine butterfly
The Alpine Butterfly (or Lineman's Knot) and the way that it seams to tighten up, I think that Farmer's Hitch may be easier to untie. It is virtually loose even after load (I love this knot). That said, I have always used it to cinch some thing down or clip or tie another line to it. I'm not sure how it would do if there was tension put on both of the ends of the line and zero tension or no line attached to the loop of the farmers hitch. The Alpine butterfly may be better in that regard??