Regarding the idea of throwing flotable objects
overboard... I like the idea of Switlik's man
overboard modules.
I have a MOM8-S.
I have never used it...
Having floatation and a tall pylon deployed ASAP, whether short handed or with many crew, checks off one step and allows as more focus towards freeing the
boat of the
spinnaker, whether dousing or letting it go.
I have concerns that going with a plan to let all the
spinnaker lines out would pose a grrater risk of the cute getting tangled on the
rigging in some conditions. There is always that risk of you are trying to douse it or let it go. Let's say in 9 to 12 kts... there may not be enough apparent
wind to flag the sail and the lines out away from the
I dont have much spinnaker experience (maybe used mi e 8 times on my 34 ft boat), so I'd like to hear what more experienced folks believe.