Originally Posted by Mike Banks
Your genoa is too big for most conditions, suitable for light airs mostly. I seldom used more than 110 %, and one needs it to be fully unwound. Part furled sails perform poorly.
How can you tell when the
genoa is too big? I wasn't feeling overpowered until the headsail got caught. It was mildly gusty and was moving 3-5 knots. Don't really start to feel overpowered until somewhere around 6-7 knots.
Though my headsail is fairly worn, and probably needs to be replaced sometime in the next couple years. No tears or anything, but it's looking a little fuzzy around the edges.
Originally Posted by Mike Banks
Having said that, you need a baffle around your lamp so that the sail is deflected away from it. Thy are usually a circle of stainless steel that goes around under the lamp, but has a space behind it for the mainsail track.
Went by Fisheries today, and they recommended the same thing. Picked up
a baffle from there. I have a little bit of climbing
gear, and will pick up some ascenders and try to get up the
mast sometime this week.