Hurray - MERITATEN our Bristol 40 began her voyage in Toronto on
Lake Ontario in June, plunged into the ocean at Connecticut July 3rd and arrived safely at Cadiz,
Spain July 31st.
So gratfied for my husband Chris, a lifelong sailor who's been dreaming about and planning this for decades. And what's more he didn't wait for
retirement but took a leave instead.
Then there's our son Simon, an infrequent sailor but with great presence of mind and tremendous strength of character and body, who made a stellar crewman for his dad.
I'm thrilled to bits and so proud of them, as I wait for them in beautiful Crete. They'll have a 3rd crewmember, our young nephew Evan who is being collected from Jerez today. We will be a cosy and happy foursome sailing on our way to Istanbul!
Yay us! I'm fully aware we
were born under some lucky stars but plenty of hard
work had something to do with it too...!