After a weird day in the wet yesterday in the south seas, ok well, the Solent, with a guy who, bless him, doesnt know as much as he thinks he does, and at one stage almost made me think he had found a cure for constipation with a particularly close encounter with a
dock, and then another with a buoy, and then yet another with a moored vessel.
It did explain however why his
boat had a lot of dabs of
paint on the
hull, and why I was not too eager to go sailing with him again in a hurry.
I came home and looked through YouTube for a video that could explain to him why doing what he did was not effective.
That aside, I did come across MANY videos by professional sailors covering all aspects of sailing that engrossed me for a couple of hours. Even those of us who may know a particular technique, can always find some little trick to add to the repertory of knowledge. As for me, I found heaps of things that I was doing wrong in many areas, and even more things I didnt know at all
With your permission, and a low impact on C.F's SQL database as its streamed off site, I offer this basic technique via video of using a spring line in harbour. Something which would have helped enormously yesterday had I have been permitted to do it on entry and exit.