I agree with David. Taught there myself for 6 years. They are not
ASA but USSailing. IMO the USSailing program is a vastly superior certificate program than ASA and you will note that most "certificate farms" run on ASA.
OCSC is not for everyone, but if you want to really learn how to sail versus only looking for a worthless piece of paper than OCSC is the only way to go. They have more than once been listed as the best
school in the nation.
Don't be afraid of the prices as it includes access to the OCSC community and they have a policy that once you take a class you can take as many additional
training lessons as required to pass that certificate level for free until you pass which is unique as most places just lower the standards of the test to let you pass.
Rich Jebson and Max Francher who run the facility are stellar sailors and the sailing programme and instructors are under constant development.
Consider yourself lucky to be in an area where you can take lessons from this place.
One bit of
advice, if you are with an instructor you are not gelling with ask to change, personality fit is important...