Originally Posted by Billesp
First, let me say how pleased I am to be a part of your group. I do hope someone can help me.
After a passage from Greece, to Sicily I found I was low in coolant and oil, and there was oil and water in the bilge. At first, I thought the head gasket had gone, but there was no water in the engine. The oil was in the coolant.
Show my new friends I love you with bated breath and await your replies. Thank you in advance BillESB
You stated oil and WATER (not coolant) in the bilge.
You can have
oil leak out of the engine into the bilge if you add too much oil - OR_ do not properly / completely seat the dip stick. Was there a lot of oil in the coolant or just some light oil residue?
If you have water in the oil it will turn the oil a milky color. It will not show up as water alone.
Per memory, I think (not sure) that the oil supply for the valve train on Yanmar's is via a tube running outside ot the engine to the
head (i.e. not through the head gasket). Therefore if the head
gasket is bad, no high pressure oil can force it's way into the coolant. Oil getting into the coolant would be via the gravity return of the oil draining back to the block; since the coolant system is pressurized the flow would be in the other direction (coolant to oil).
Unless you have something like a crack in the head or block (ouch).
A bad head gasket could still be the problem if I am wrong on the tube above.
Also, if the engine is a new install, did they retorque the head bolts after the engine's initial run in? (50 hours I think...). [Retorque engine bolts / readjust valve clearances..]