Those keels are so wide they will stall at any useful upwind angle. They were a way to for the
designer to add lots of tankage and not compromise
interior accommodations.
I'd be surprised if the wings do anything other than add drag. To be effective, they need to separate the high pressure and low pressure side of the foil where the pressure difference is highest, and that is NOT at the very back of the foil. At higher speeds they MIGHT reduce pitching, maybe...
I don't see where they would affect the behavior of the boat
on the hard, unless you chose a place to dry out that consisted of soft mud, but why would you do that?
As for removing them or not... I don't have a recommendation. I don't know the construction details. But I very much doubt you would notice a difference in sailing performance. I suspect this boat was built when winged keels were all the rage and every cool boat had to have them.