Reminds ya of one liners you read on Sales leads.
Full of potential= So ruff it is going to cost the earth to get her shipshape
Full of Character.= It got a quick
paint job to hide the
Priced to sell=So run down, it is a miricle she floats
Great first boat= Hopefully someone nieve will buy her
Rare find= it was a one off and so bad, few to no others were built
Every conceivable option= They tried everything to make her sail right, but nothing worked
Great fun=your going to spend the rest of your life trying to maintain her.
Loaded with Electronics= They are so out of date, the owner couldn't get rid of them
Fullfil somebodies dream= with a nightmare
Fully Refitted= It had such a major calamity and the new stuff hides the horror that lies within.
Excellent maintanance record= The original owner went broak trying to keep her afloat.
Too much
gear to list=fitted with completely inadiquate of antiquated
equipment, you wouldn't dare mention it.