My title pretty much says it all. I am sitting here at 4am in the morning worrying if my crew is going to have fowl
weather gear. Did they bring enough underwear and socks? How did I wake up this early and find myself dealing with a mother hen problem? It started with the same dream all of you have. My wife and I wanted to retire and live on a
boat; see something of the world before we got so old that there would not be a choice we could be able to make. Life would have passed us by while we watched reruns of CSI. Just like you I said we can do this. We can buy a
boat. We can have this dream. This dream is within our reach. I went on line and found
boats that were in our
price range. I watched the Pardey's film of Storm Tactics and was convinced that we came from a stock with strong DNA's. In some time I found a boat with a fire
sale price, and in great shape. Has all the bells and whistles. One owner that was more anal than me. I put in a ridiculous offer with the mindset, that if this was what we were supposed to do, then it would happen. We are in the middle of the worst recession since the 30's. Maybe we will get lucky. The offer was accepted. I found out really quick that the price of a boat might be about the same price it's going to cost you to get it where you want it. Although it has what the average guy would think is everything; well it's not. Now I am faced with getting my dream boat home. The order of business is how and whom. I don't know how to sail. I have a boat I can't sail and no place to put it. Woe is me. What the heck have I done now Lucy. Having spent our life savings I now need to move a boat on the
cheap. I come to find this forum and cast my net out. Told my story. With some doing I find a extra ordinarily well suited young fellow that wants to make his way and ply his
trade in the warm waters of the south. Did I mention he is a sailing instructor? I am so fortunate I can't contain myself. I decide the two of us can
motor this boat for 30-40 days through the
ICW down to
Houston area. This will be its home until we find a home for it. I am in no big hurry. We can make this an adventure and enjoy a long
passage with plenty of stops. Again I am on the forum getting a lot of really first class
advice from well intended people with a vast amount of experience. You can't buy this kind of input I am getting for free. I am feeling really good now. I also am getting from the forum that I need to have more of a crew. It's way too dangerous with just two. Anything could happen. Again from the forum comes more manna from heaven. I find a wonderful
captain of a boat that steers me to a talented fellow that just happens to live in the area we are going to. Luck of the Irish. He not only wants an adventure he has a boat of his own and wants the experience this particular
passage we are taken. He signs on for the voyage. Now we really are in a stable and safer
environment to move this boat. Now I am so excited my beautiful young bride is worried I am risking having heart failure if I don't contain myself. A relative sane person would not think this couldn’t get better. It does. From this truly capable sailor he arranges for me to meet another crew
member that will also come aboard. This seaman just might be the most accomplished and talented sailor that I will ever meet. A resume made of gold. Parchment with silver script. My
head is going to explode. I take my heart pills. I do yoga breathing. Now we have a crew that is worthy of praise. We not only can we move this boat, we can sail this boat in the blue waters outside the
ICW. Now you know why I am here at 4am in the morning worrying about someone else’s underwear.