Home Port : Folly Beach SC
Crew: David ONeill (Master)
Kathy Stevens (Navigator) Destination : Bocas del Toro, Panama
Departure: Nov 13, 2003
Planned Stops: W Palm Beach, FL
Turks and Cacos Jamaica
Bocas del Toro, ROP
Kuna Yala, ROP Costa Rica
Guatamala Belize Mexico
W Palm Beach, Fla
Folly Beach, SC
Return : June 2004
(Departures from planned passage dependent on weather and whim)
Website: www.sailingofftheedge.com to be posted one week prior to sailing date and updated with journal and photos at each port of call for previous leg.
David ONeill
SV Escape D561345]
The website will be up around the first week in November. Plan to post photos and logs of each leg at the first available port of call. Kathy is a professional journalist, so for once the stories may be a little more interesting than my usual dry log entries. Hope you enjoy, and drop a line via the site when you get a chance
David ONeill
SV Escape D561345]