Originally Posted by CowboyClint
I have read a few posts on my journey. But I think I’ll need a little more help then what I’ve read. Ok, so my FAIRLINE 65 squadron is in Fort Luderdale. I will be driving it to Naples on west coast. Just wondering how this trip is, best places to stop overnight. How many days this should take. Will I be able to make the hole trip on one tank of fuel (1100) gallons. I would like to go the shortest route/safest! Thank you all who help me out with this.
Originally Posted by CowboyClint
Thank you sir. I’m thinking I’ll be cruising at around 10 knots. Lol. You have any idea how many days it will take me? And what the best way to go with a boat this size?
Were it me... with a new-to-me boat like that and with enough time to do it leisurely...
I think I'd first think about
- FLL to Stuart (two or three legs? unless you go outside for this segment),
- Stuart to Ft. Myers via Okeechobee Waterway (probably broken into two or even three legs),
- then Ft. Myers to Naples.
Start with the Waterway Guide to
research potential leg distances, stopover points, hazards, bridges and locks (opening times)... and then refine for yourself a triptych that lays out your plan... and your Plans B, C, D, etc.
Line up crew, and/or a teaching
captain if you need that... especially since you'll probably need someone to handle lines. (My guess is you can't do it yourself all that easily on a Fairline 65.) Smell the roses along the way.
Rough guess on fuel, as long as you keep speeds below about 10 kts (maybe ~9 kts even better), you might be able to do the whole trip on 1-1½ tank or less. Make it 2½
tanks if you do FLL to Stuart outside.