Hello everyone,
Just wanted to introduce myself and say what a pleasure it's been
reading this forum over the last few days.
I have learned more here in a week than I have scouring the
internet for the past year.
I am 49 and have decided I want to live on a sailboat. (I know, you have heard this before)
I had the
money to buy a modest 28-32 footer until the economy took a nose dive and I found myself back to square one...oh well.
With a bit of luck I hope to be back in the market in a year.
This forum and all the stories and opinions from those of you who have been there and back have really inspired me to not give up the dream and for that I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I will be living alone on the
boat but I really want to sail her too since that's what they are made for.
I want to base out of NW
Florida and go south to the keys and caribe and maybe to
mexico at some point.
I have read so many of the threads on the perfect
seaworthy single hander that my
head is still spinning.
I know I'll be spending a lot of time here doing
research so please forgive me if I start to drive people crazy with questions.
I promise to do a search though to try and answer my questions before
posting them.
Again, thanks for this site and I look forward to
posting that magical first pic of MY boat!