G'Day Kiwis,
Interesting to note that in the above postings the folks who worry about sailing a 60 foot boat are all folks with smaller vessels, while those that own or sail larger
boats don't see too much of a problem. Experience trumps opinion (IMO)!
I've never sailed or crewed on 60 footers, but Ann and I are currently cruising in a fairly light 46 foot high performance
sloop. Can't
lift the mains'l by myself, just as predicted by an earlier poster. Big deal... put it on when new, 7 years ago. Took it off earlier this year for some
maintenance. Put it back. Had help where necessary. May replace it in another couple of years. Not an issue. Have an
electric windlass. Can't heave up the 60 lb
anchor and 3/8" chain by hand. When the
windlass died, used a chain hook and
cockpit winch to weigh the
gear. Slow, but workable. Not an issue. We moved up from a 36 foot boat to this one. First time I looked at the bow from the
helm it seemed really far away. Three days later it had somehow gotten much closer, and now, of course, it seems quite normal. Not an issue. Big
mainsail, harder to reef than a smaller one. But you don't need to do it nearly as often as on a smaller boat. Not an issue. And so on...
So, my
advice is to let your finances and your desires for space/comfort drive your choice, not the myopic views of folks who can't see beyond their own limited experiences.
Cheers and good luck.
Jim and Ann s/v Insatiable II lying Jacobs Well, Qld, Oza