Thanks Gord and Shaun! No typo there, lol we are planing (with a very open mind) to try and circumnavigate in 2022. Which is when our early
retirement planned yr kicks in. By then we should have enough experience under our belts. Yes, PR is a
destination. I was in Salinas and met whole bunch of cruisers down there. Wonderful time with all of them. One of them built his own Cat. Well, that was a rough sketch of our long term goal. Short term is to be sailing with something lol, by this summer. I am on a
budget (well the entire planet is, isn't it. lol). So we have to take our time. Trying to keep the entire experience as pleasurable and leisurely (think I misspelled these ones, but you guys get it, right?) as possible.
Thanks again for the welcome and best wishes to all!