Tom glad to see you here. Welcome.
I live in Powder Springs Allatoona Landing has been for years our home dock.
We retired our 24 foot 2 years ago and now own a 18 foot wellcraft. Starting to get into our sailing years. Been taking classes at lainer past 2 onths or so.
Tell Lucy Beb and I said welcome to the forum and hope to see ya on d lake. Cheers
Taking boats to the water is all we have in common. Some folks just getting started and don't have a boat yet too. So if anyone has an interest in the whole idea they belong here. Only natural for you to show up - right here.
It's enough. How you do it and enjoy it is left to your own desires and abilities. If we can share something to make it better or easier then how can that not be just a great idea. We all have something to share. If you own a boat then you already have something.
Enjoy the place!
Paul Blais
s/v Bright Eyes Gozzard 36
37 15.7 N 76 28.9 W