You want to go to
Mexico for
hurricane season? It runs approx. June to Nov/Dec. If you arrive in the Golfo de
California (Sea of Cortez) in early Nov., you are usually, but not always safe from them.
Learn to sail where you are, and once you have circumnavigated
Vancouver Is., you'll be ready for whatever else you encounter. You'll still have to learn to look for
coral heads in the
water, the good news is that it is very doable.
One way to learn to sail is to go where there are little local races, and follow the contestants around the course, and try to keep up with them. Another is to volunteer as crew on their
boats, they'll teach you. This will not familiarize you with your own boat, of course, but they're paying their own
racing costs. If you're good at teaching yourself, both ways can
work. Do learn the Colregs.