G'day to the people on this site. I'm 62, live in North
Queensland and a retired
motor mechanic. The reson I'm visiting your group is to get some feedback on some ideas about cruising the top half of
Hopefully there are some other Australians using the site. I enjoy reading the
forums for 2 reasons, firstly the wonderfully well mannered, civilsed manner in which queries are treated and secondly the wealth of knowledge available from the group.
I have some queries regarding
marine diesel engine
fuel consumption but will post them in the correct ( hopefully ) section.
My plan is to take a
diesel cruiser from here in Cairns and follow the coast to approx the same latitude on the
west coast of
Australia. Rough calculation of about 6,000 NM. This would be done in stages as camping ashore and
fishing most areas would take up quite some time.